Ansar Ijtima 5K Run

Join us for a healthier future!

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5K Run Event Poster

Why We Run

Running a 5K is more than just a race—it's a commitment to personal health, community spirit, and supporting important causes. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, our 5K event offers a perfect opportunity to challenge yourself, meet new people, and contribute to meaningful initiatives that make our community stronger and healthier.

Gain Courage through Excercise!

Excursion, recreation and exercise are very important for good health. It is certainly no bar to old age either. It is proven that the Holy Prophet participated in a race with Hadhrat Aisha. The Promised Messiah too raced against a Sikh for the honour of Islam and beat him to lower his pride. Similarly his exercising with weights is also well known. Hadhrat Musleh Mau'ood (Khalifatul Masih II) used to travel out of Qadian for hunting, and once, he participated in a race with his children and servants on the banks of River Bias. If one acts on these wise pieces of advice, one can gain both outer and inner beauty. Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood (Khalifatul Masih II) says, "We inculcate the habit of physical exercise so that we can be lithe and active, so that our limbs become strong and so that we gain courage."

(Al-Fazl, 28 March 1939, p. 2)

Watch Our 5K Event From 2019

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2019 Race Top 3 Finishers


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