[Al-Nasr Mosque] Jamat Election on Saturday 23rd February @ 6:00 PM

From: "Willingboro Jama'at" <AlNasrMosque@PROTECTED>
Subject: [Al-Nasr Mosque] Jamat Election on Saturday 23rd February @ 6:00 PM
Date: February 11th 2019

Please note that jamat elections have been scheduled for 6:00 PM on Saturday, February 23, 2019.

Eligible voters are also being contacted individually by phone and text. Please make every effort to plan and participate in the elections on 23rd. Jazak’Allah. Dinner will be served after elections.

If you have any question or concern, please contact Secretary Finance Nibras Mir, or Waqas Asghar. If you need a ride, please contact another member who lives near-by, or let me know and I will try to arrange.

If you have a proposal that you would like discussed at Shura, please send it to me today. Jazak’Allah.

Munawar Saqib
+1 856-495-6421


From: Willingboro Jama'at [mailto:AlNasrMosque@PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 8:24 AM
To: Willingboro Jama'at Subscriber
Subject: [Al-Nasr Mosque] Rights and Obligations - 2019 is the Jama'at Office Holders election year

In the name of Allah, most gracious, ever merciful
Assalamo Alaikum waRahmatullah,

2019 is the Jama'at Office Holders election year 

Sanctity of Jama'at elections demand that every member should be informed that elections are approaching and what are his rights and responsibilities.

Please pay attention to your rights and obligations:

1- Are you a Chanda paying member?

2- Are you behind in your Chanda at this time? If yes, please, contact your Secretary Finance and pay your Chanda immediately.

3- If you are defaulter you can't express your opinion in Nizam e Jama'at.

4- You have a right to be intimated about the date, time and venue of the election meeting.

5- You have right that you should be informed that you are eligible voter and invited to election meeting if you are are not defaulter.

6- If you are defaulter in Chanda you will have no right to be invited for election meeting.

7- You are obligated to be present in election meeting and cast your vote for electing your Office Holders.

8- You are obligated that you must elect your Office Holders who are righteous, pious and devoted for Islam Ahmadiyyat according to your knowledge.

9- You have right to request the Presiding Officer to announce the Rules and Regulations those are sent to all Jama'at Presidents and Presiding Officers from NHQ for election meetings.

10- You are obligated to take part in the election process of Office Holders according to the Rules and Regulations of Tehrik Jadid.

I am not asking you to pay Chanda for Jama'at or Shura elections. I am reminding you that to do sacrifice financially in the way of Allah is the primary responsibility of every Ahmadi. Moreover every Ahmadi is obliged and committed to take part actively in Jama'at affairs after fulfilling all his obligations for the strength and solidarity of Nizam e Jama'at. 

May Allah be our Guide, Helper and Protector.

Requesting Prayers

Mukhtar Ahmad Malhi
General Secretary USA Jamaat
15000 Good Hope Rd,
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Main: (301) 879-0110 Ext. 1310

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