[Al-Nasr Mosque] Election Sat 2/23 6PM. Rules & Regulations - FAQs

From: "Willingboro Jama'at" <AlNasrMosque@PROTECTED>
Subject: [Al-Nasr Mosque] Election Sat 2/23 6PM. Rules & Regulations - FAQs
Date: February 21st 2019

Respected All

Frequently Asked Questions (regarding Election Rules, and their answers):

Q-1. What if only one name is proposed for an office, and a person proposes another name but that is not seconded?

A- We must keep in mind the basic rule and Jama'at tradition that no body can vote for himself. If a person's name is proposed for an office and no other name is proposed, then it will be the responsibility of the person whose name is already proposed to come forward and proposed another name, no matter that name is seconded or not. If he does not propose any body's name then he will be considered to vote for himself.

2. When shall permission of Huzur be sought for those nominees who do not have beard? Before or after Election?

A- For Shura the name of the person, who don't have beard, cannot be proposed, . For General elections we should prefer a person who has beard as we give preference to a righteous person. If we don't find a person with beard, we can elect another person and seek permission from Markaz giving detail of local circumstances.

3. If a person remained defaulter during previous years but has paid Chanda now or within past few months, shall he be considered eligible to participate in Elections?

A- If a person is regular in paying Chanda in current year and in the month of election he is not defaulter of six months, he will be considered eligible to participate.

4. Can the name of a person who resigned from an office be proposed during election? Can the name of a person who excused to serve due to personal reasons be proposed during elections?

A- These are two different scenarios. If a person requested to be excused because of his genuine personal reasons, his name can be proposed if he is available this year. If a person deliberately resigned from office because of having difference of opinion and disputes with others, his name can't be proposed again for any office. 

5. Can a Jama'at member who has income in Pakistan and pays Chanda there, participate in the election in US?

A- A person who is not part of our budget list i.e. he does not pay Chanda in US, can not be a part of our election process.

6. Can a person whose name is proposed for an office, withdraw his name?


7. Can a member who is not in the budget but pays some amount be included in the election?

A- There are cases where members at the time of preparing budget do not become the part of budget list either by their or any office holder's mistake but afterward they pay Chanda. They should be made part of budget list after getting their budget from them right after his first payment. If a person does not give budget should not be included in the election process.

8. There are members who pay their entire budget at the end of year. Can such members be considered eligible to participate in elections even if they have not paid anything or have paid some amount during the year?

A- Every member is required to pay Chanda on monthly basis. full payment at the end of year does not matter for election purposes. Decision should be made on the basis of his paid Chanda that he is eligible or defaulter.

9. If a student over 18 years of age pays a minimum amount, can he be considered eligible to participate in election?

A- Minimum amount is only for non earning moosi. Everyone else is to pay according to his income. There is a recent amendment regarding student above 18 that an adult student who is dependent on his Parents/Guardian for his expenses shall not be eligible to vote in any election.

10. There are members who work temporary jobs and do not have steady income throughout the year. If such a member pays some amount on the income he has made, can he participate in the Elections?

A- Everyone who pays according to his income, whatever his income is, should be dealt accordingly. To meet such situation there should be close contact between members and Sec. Mal.

11. What if a member moved to a local Jama'at just recently. How can his previous Chanda history be checked to determine eligibility? To determine if he is in arrears as defined in the Rules?

A- A member can present record from previous Jama'at/Country regarding his previous payments or Jama'at USA can request to the Ameer of his previous country through Tabshir London to send a report.

12. Why Lajna members who pay Lazmi Chanda and are part of the Jama'at budget cannot vote in Jama'at elections?

A- 1- Islamic system suggests separate spheres of activities for men and women.
  -  2- Women have their separate Auxiliary organization to work more effectively.
  -  3- Women Auxiliary of our Jama'at already have an encouraging and inspiring leadership among themselves. 
  -  4- Women members are normally not familiar with characters, abilities and working approach of men while male members know each other closely. Therefore it can not be easy for women to nominate the right person to lead the Jama'at.

13. Can Lajna send proposals to local Jama'at President for discussion in Jama'at General Meeting and if approved, to submit onward to Amir Jama'at?

A- No, Lajna members should forward their proposals through local Sadr Lajna to Sadr Lajna USA who would present to National Ameer for inclusion in final agenda.

14. What if a member has recently paid Chanda but that is not yet posted in the system at the National Headquarter?

A- President can verify his Chanda status from local record and should mention on report form.

15. Can the name of a President who has served two consecutive terms in a different local Jama'at be proposed for President? Can name of such a person be proposed for any other Office?

A- Restriction is with person who served two consecutive terms, not with merging, splitting or new Jama'ats. Yes, such person's name can be proposed for any other office.

16. Are local Jama'ats required to elect all Offices? Can smaller Jama'ats decide to not elect certain offices?

A- Yes, small Jama'ats can decide not to elect few offices. e.g. Muhasab, Amin and Zara'at if there is no land around mosque or mission house. However President will be responsible for all such departments.

17. Election Rules say that a person whose Wasiyyat has been cancelled cannot hold any Jama'at Office. Can that person vote in the Election?

A- If a person whose Wasiyyat has been cancelled by Sadr Angamin Ahmadiyya can vote but can't hold Jama'at office. But if his Wasiyyat is cancelled by a disciplinary action, he will neither be able to vote nor hold office.

18. Auxiliary Organizations (Majlis Ansarullah & Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya) close their accounts depending upon their end of year which is different from Jama'at year. How can eligibility to vote be determined based on Auxiliary Chanda payment?

A- This should be the responsibility of Zaeem Ansar and Qaid Khuddam to do all math and hand over the list of eligible and defaulter to President of Jama'at.

19. Is it appropriate for the presiding officer to share a 1-2 line role of the office before voting is done? (Voters don't always know that Taleem department heavily focuses on secular education or that Amoor e Ama department's primary role is the welfare of Jamaat members etc.

A- Yes, it will be OK.

20. Should elections be held after a regional event like Youm e Musleh Maud (ra)?

A- Preferably election should not be held on the day when there is already such major program like Youm e Musleh Maud (ra). The reason is that it may be burdensome for members to hold them for more few hours to complete the election.


Requesting Prayers

Mukhtar Ahmad Malhi
General Secretary USA Jamaat

15000 Good Hope Rd,
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Cell: (301) 980-3061
Direct: (301) 879-0111
Main: (301) 879-0110 Ext. 1310

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