Dear Ansar Office Holders,
I sent you an email two days ago requesting to complete a 30 second survey to tell us how many Huzur's (aba) Sermons did you listen/read during the last month (June 2014). I apologize for a technical glitch due to which many of you were not able to see the survey link on their smartphones. Therefore, I am requesting again to please take a few seconds and fill out the survey by clicking the link below, if you have not already done so.
Important Note: This survey is being conducted on special request of Huzur (aba) so the Jamaat and each Auxilliary is doing it separately. In case, if you are an office holder in Jamaat (president or secretary) as well as an in Majlis Ansarullah (Zaim or Muntazim, etc.), we are requesting you to please respond to both surveys - Jamaat's as well as Ansar's which is this one because Huzur (aba) has requested the data for Jamaat and each auxiliary, separately. 
Jazakomullah -
Yasin Sharif,
Qaid Tarbiyat
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Majlis Ansarullah, USA is an auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, USA,