We are the Helpers of Allah. September 4, 2017  
Vol. 4, No. 18  

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Etiquette of Meeting

Dear Ansar Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Ansar national Ijtima is just a few days away. While this spiritual gathering provides a relaxed and brotherly atmosphere, it is also important that we maintain decorum that such a gathering requires. A few points are noted in the following for the benefit of all of us.

  • Try to attend all sessions of the Ijtima.
  • During a session and while waiting for Salat, turn off your cell phone or put it in vibration/silent mode.
  • Attend the meeting wearing a cap, and neat and clean garments after taking a bath or shower.
  • Fill the front rows for sessions and Salat, at the same time, not jumping over the shoulders of others to find a better seating spot.
  • In a Q&A session, stand up (or raise your hand) and be quiet. Ask your question only when chairperson asks you to do so.
  • When asking a question, be respectful and do not be argumentative.
  • Be cognizant and respectful of the stature of officeholders such as Ameer Jama’at, representative of Huzoor, Sadr Majlis, and other chairpersons.
  • Only address the chairperson in a meeting and no one else.
  • Do not engage in side conversations or get into arguments with other attendees during a session.
  • If something foul happens, do not start laughing and embarrass the other person. It is quite possible that this thing may happen to you as well.
  • Do not stand up on your own to pay respect if someone superior in rank or status enters the meeting place. To pay or not to pay respect is the right of the chairperson and no one else.
  • While waiting for Salat, do not talk with others or on your phone, instead, spend time in invoking Durood, Istighfar, and other prayers.

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Register for Ijtima

Request Transportation


Ijtima Travel Subsidy

Zahid Mian, Qa'id Finance

Below are the key points of the 2017 national Ijtima travel subsidy. Complete details can be found at our website.


  • No subsidy for travel less than 300 miles from Silver Spring, MD
  • No subsidy for hotel accommodation, meals, or parking
  • No subsidy for traffic tickets and incidental expenses
  • No subsidy for trip insurance, seat upgrade and priority boarding
  • Road travel reimbursed at $0.25/mile with at least 4 passengers in a car
  • Rental of car/van must have prior approval (email)
  • Airfare reimbursed at 75% with a cap of $250 ($400 for West Coast)
  • Airline tickets must be purchased at least 2 weeks in advance
  • All reimbursement requests must be submitted by Sunday October 15, 2017
  • No special subsidy for Shura delegates
  • Any exceptions must have prior approval (email)
  • For brothers who are refugees to this country, we will support them fully (100%) for the first three years. Please make sure their ticket is reasonable (similar to what others are paying from the area). After the three-year period, the normal policy will apply.

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Send us your stories of brotherhood, Ijtima memories, or any other inspiring experience that we can share with Ansar brothers via this e-newsletter.

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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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