We are the Helpers of Allah. January 22, 2018  
Vol. 5, No. 2  

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2018 Ansar National Departmental Goals

Mahfooz Sheikh, Qa'id Umumi

The Majlis’ 2018 national departmental goals are as follows. Help from local Majalis is instrumental in achieving these goals. Ansar are urged to fully participate in activities arranged by their local Majalis to make achieving these goals possible.

  • General meeting attendance at least 50% or more every month
  • Achieve attendance target for National Ijtima
Publications        Publish:
  • 26 bi-weekly e-newsletters
  • 3 to 6 print newsletters
  • Year-in-review issue of Al-Nahl
  • Verify contact information of 2700 members and update national Tajnid system with changes in mailing address, phone, email, etc.
  • Participation of 2700 Ansar
  • Each Za’im to contact each member in his Majlis for budget preparation
Tahrik Jadid
  • 90% Ansar participation in Tahrik Jadid
Waqf Jadid
  • 90% of Ansar participation in Waqf Jadid
  • All Ansar watching or listening to Huzoor’s (may Allah be his helper) Friday sermons and discussing with their families, at least once a month
  • 50% of earning and Chanda-paying Ansar to join the System of Wasiyyat
  • 40% of Ansar taking and completing Ta’lim Test I and II
Ta’limul Qur’an
  • All Ansar regularly reciting the Holy Qur’an with its translation and/or commentary
Tarbiyat Nau Muba'i'in
  • Create and implement a short workbook for Nau Muba’i’in
  • Ensure Nau Muba’i’in are active and participating in local and national events of the Jama’at and Majlis Ansarullah
  • Motivate 100% Ansar to participate in at least one Tabligh activity a month
  • Enable local Muntazim to organize one group Tabligh activity a month
  • Provide opportunity to all Ansar to participate in National Tabligh Campaigns
Social Services
  • 1500 visits to sick/elderly/inactive members
  • At least 30% of members to exercise regularly (4 times a week or more)
  • Support Ansar health care services via Ansar Help Line
  • Audit 50 Majalis' accounts during the year
  • Conduct yearly audit of income and expenses submitted by Majalis and National departments

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Have you provided your 2018 Ansar Chanda budget?

2018 Ansar fiscal year started on January 1st

Please provide your Ansar Chanda budget based on your expected 2018 income to your Muntazim Finance or Za'im

Ansar Chanda: 1% of yearly take-home income
Ijtima Chanda: 1/8th of total Ansar Chanda
Publication Chanda: $10 yearly


Cancer Prevention

Syed Tanvir Ahmad, Qa'id Health

The risk of cancer increases with age in many cases. Family History is important in many cancers. Lifestyle is perhaps the biggest cancer risk factor that you can change and reduce your risk of new cancer, affect cure, and fight complications of the disease. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Eat a nutritious diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, and less of meat. Use honey wherever you need sugar and sweetener. Avoid high fat, high meat diets. Certain foods are particularly beneficial: honey, olive oil.
  • Exercise regularly at least 30 minutes a day for five or more days of week.
  • Maintain ideal body weight and keep your BMI in the healthy range.
  • Do not use any form of tobacco, not just cigarettes.
  • No intoxicants (alcohol, drugs).
  • Wear UVA / UVB–protective sunscreen.
  • Get screened (Colonoscopy, Mammogram). Many cancers have strong genetic component and screening can detect and cure some cancers when diagnosed in early disease stage.

Source: Harvard Health Publishing

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Send us your stories of brotherhood, Ijtima memories, or any other inspiring experience that we can share with Ansar brothers via this e-newsletter.

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Majlis Ansarullah USA
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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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