We are the Helpers of Allah. April 16, 2018  
Vol. 5, No. 8  

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Ta'lim Test I has been Launched!
Karim Sharif, Qa'id Ta'lim
Did you know that Talim Test I—covering (Kishti-i-Nuh/Noah’s Ark) and selected verses from the Holy Qur’an—has been launched? This is a fully mobile-friendly test which can be taken from any mobile device or computer. Any question can be flipped to Urdu or English and answered in either language. The test can be completed in multiple sessions, so you do not have to find a large chunk of time to complete it—do as you find time.

The test offers you feedback on why or why not your answer is right or wrong. You are not scored on wrong answers but only on right answers. All what you need is answer any 20 questions correctly—answering more will earn you higher level. A question will repeat later if answered wrong, so you will have a chance to correct it. The test shows you the page of the book pertaining to the question, so you can successfully complete it even if you have not yet read the book.

The test can be accessed at:

The test requires a very simple login process. Please ask your Za'im Majlis to give you your login credentials.

The deadline to complete the test is June 15, 2018. I humbly request all Ansar brothers to kindly complete it as soon as possible.

Jazakumullah ahsanul jaza.

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Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Syed Tanvir Ahmad, Qa'id Health


All of us have taken acetaminophen at one time or another when suffering from fever or pain. Here are some facts and side effects of over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers to keep in mind.

Tylenol (and other generic brands) is usually effective for mild pain and fever and is easy on the stomach. However, even this very commonly used medicine is not free of side effects. It can be toxic in high doses. It is best not to use more than 3000mg or six tablets of 500mg in a twenty-hour period.

Use regular strength of Tylenol rather than extra-strength in order to avoid excessive dosages.

Tylenol can be particularly dangerous for people with liver disease.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)—commonly used drugs include Aspirin, Advil, Aleve etc.

These medications can be more effective for pain control than Tylenol for certain conditions because they also reduce inflammation as well as relieve pain.

These medications do have side effects, the most common is stomach irritation. It can also cause stomach and intestinal ulcers, which can lead to internal bleeding.

NSAIDs also carry an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure when taken at high doses or for long periods of time. Always consult with your doctor even starting any medicines.

For questions, please contact Qa'id Health at

Source: Harvard Health Review

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