We are the Helpers of Allah. July 23, 2018  
Vol. 5, No. 15  

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National Ijtima 2018
Zahid Mian, Qa'id Finance
Ansar National Ijtima is the premier annual event of our Majlis. In the last few years, the attendance has nearly doubled and those that have made the extra effort to attend have enjoyed every minute of it. Such statements may seem like hyperbole but come see for yourself just how accurate it is. Two years ago, I asked a brother to join us at the Ijtima and he replied that he had attended a few years ago and he did not have a good experience. Last year, I was somewhat surprised to see him at the Ijtima. I asked him how it was going, and he replied that it's going great.

Come join your brothers from across the country and see for yourself just how enjoyable and spiritually reinvigorating the experience really is.

The trip is worth every penny, but if the only reason you cannot attend is the cost of airfare, then Majlis Ansarullah wants to help you with that. Our travel subsidy is second to none (and that's no hyperbole either). As long as you purchase your ticket at least two weeks before the Ijtima date, we will cover up to 75% of your trip cost. Please see the official subsidy policy for details.

Sample airfares to BWI (larger image)


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Accommodation Options


Ijtima Travel Subsidy
Below are the key points of travel subsidy for national Ijtima 2018. Complete details can be found at our website.


  • No subsidy for travel less than 300 miles from Silver Spring, MD
  • No subsidy for hotel accommodation, meals, or parking
  • No subsidy for traffic tickets and incidental expenses
  • No subsidy for trip insurance, seat upgrade and priority boarding
  • Road travel reimbursed at $0.25/mile with at least 4 passengers in a car
  • Rental of car/van must have prior approval (email)
  • Airfare reimbursed at 75% with a cap of $250 ($400 for West Coast)
  • Tickets over $500 need prior approval from Qa'id Finance or Sadr Majlis (before purchasing the ticket)
  • Airline tickets must be purchased at least 2 weeks in advance
  • All reimbursement requests must be submitted by Sunday October 14, 2018
  • No special subsidy for Shura delegates
  • Any exceptions must have prior approval (email)
  • For brothers who are refugees to this country, we will support them fully (100%) for the first three years. Please make sure their ticket is reasonable (similar to what others are paying from the area). After the three-year period, the normal policy will apply.
  • Reimbursement checks will be issued at the registration booth during Ijtima starting Saturday, 9/21.

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Send us your stories of brotherhood, Ijtima memories, or any other inspiring experience that we can share with Ansar brothers via this e-newsletter.

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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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