We are the Helpers of Allah. August 6, 2018  
Vol. 5, No. 16  

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Ijtima Invitation
Imran Hayee, Sadr Majlis
Dear Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
Last month I visited Pakistan for a few days. During my stay there, I visited Rabwah, Sialkot, Islamabad, and Lahore where I had a chance to meet many Ansar brothers. We held a variety of discussions on many different topics, however one topic was common in every discussion. Almost every Nasir I had a conversation with, unloaded his heartfelt sorrow for not being able to hold public gatherings, especially large ones like Ansar Ijtima, where they get a chance to meet and spend time with many other brothers. Some of them even shared their fond memories from long time ago when Ijtima’at used to be held regularly in Pakistan.
I, myself don’t remember any Ansar Ijtima from Pakistan but vividly remember every Ijtima here in US since I became a Nasir 10 years ago. My own memories of all those Ijtima’at multiplied the pain I felt for my Pakistani brothers who have not had such opportunity for more than three decades. As much as I felt their pain, my heart filled with immense gratitude for being able to freely and fearlessly attend Ijtima’at here in our country.
I have been enjoying Ansar Ijtima for the past 10 years and every time I go there, my heart fills with joy and my physical, moral, and spiritual condition is rejuvenated. This is similar to the joy you all experience upon attending Jalsa Salana except with a different flavor. I know, many of you have tasted this flavor repeatedly for the past several years and are perhaps completely addicted to it by now. And yet there are some who have not reached that level of intoxication needed to experience the promised joy in their hearts. This might be because they have never had a chance to attend any Ansar Ijtima yet or they have not attended it in a while.
Regardless of what category you fall under and how intoxicated you are, I want to wholeheartedly invite you all to please join us at our 37th national Ijtima to be held at Baitur Rehman Mosque on September 21-23. I assure you that your hearts will be filled with joy and souls revitalized by this blessed gathering, as it is guaranteed by Almighty Allah Himself in the Holy Qur’an, “And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah and be not divided; and remember the favor of Allah which He bestowed upon you when you were enemies and He united your hearts in love …” [3:104]. The theme of this year’s Ijtima is also:

(He has united your hearts in love.)

I am positive that most of you must have already felt your hearts being drawn to each other and the joy which comes with it at many occasions. Please come to this year’s Ansar Ijtima to experience that joy once again or for the first time. Whatever the case, you will not be disappointed and will experience the multiplicative effect of this divine pull of hearts, which no science can explain but only hearts can experience.
While our brothers in Pakistan are restricted by unjust and discriminatory governmental policies, we have no reason to miss out on such a golden opportunity. Let’s be grateful and plan on attending this year’s Ijtima by shedding any potential excuses, which may pose a potential hurdle in our intentions or efforts to attend Ansar Ijtima.
We have an exciting program and open arms waiting for you at our National Ijtima. I look forward to seeing you all in September, Insha’allah.
With love and prayers,
Imran Hayee
humbly serving, Majlis Ansarullah USA

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Register for Ijtima

Ijtima Program

Transportation Details

National Ijtima Accommodation Options
Ijtima participants have three accommodation options available to them:

  1. Stay at a brother's home: Let us know in advance and we will arrange your accommodation at another brother's house within driving distance of the mosque.
  2. Stay at the mosque: Limited number of sleeping bags are available for members flying in for the Ijtima. Do bring your own pillow, blanket, toiletries, towel, etc.
  3. Stay at a hotel: See hotel accommodation details below.


Hotel Accommodation

This year we have consolidated the hotel accommodation to one hotel:

Courtyard Marriott Silver Spring North
12521 Prosperity Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20904

Reservations for the group rate must be made prior to SEPTEMBER 6, 2018. This rate is valid for September 20, 21, and 22, 2018.

Room Rate: $81 per night
Reservation code: Ansar Room Block

How to book your room:

  1. Guests can directly call Marriott Reservations at 1 (800) 321-2211 or (301) 680-8500
  2. Book online

**Room rate does not include breakfast**
*Complimentary on-site parking and wireless internet*

All reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card. The hotel will not hold any reservations unless secured by credit card.

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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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