We are the Helpers of Allah. October 15, 2018  
Vol. 5, No. 21  

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A Word of Caution
Imran Hayee, Sadr Majlis
Dear Brothers,
As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I would like to share with you a message from Respected National General Secretary of USA Jama'at about taking and sharing pictures of Jama'at events and premises.

Please note that this information was shared with all Presidents on 30th of September and is especially valid for Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih’s (may Allah be his helper) trip. I request you to please use caution in light of the Jama’at policy.


Nobody is allowed to take pictures of Jama'at buildings and Jama'at events without prior permission from local administration.

Only authorized persons can take pictures.

More importantly, sharing such images of Jama'at premises, Jama'at events or Jama'at letters on social media is unacceptable. Please refrain from this practice.

If you have any such pictures taken without permission, please delete those pictures.


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Did It Again—at 70

Rashid Syed, Los Angeles East

By the grace of Allah, I turned 70 this year, and I ran, jogged, and walked another half marathon, 13.1 miles, on February 4, 2018.

After a successful back surgery in March of 2017, I was determined to continue marathon runs. Last year in October, six months after the surgery, I was able to run a 10-mile marathon in Huntington Beach, CA, off course with the permission of my doctor. By the grace of Allah, I have been running half marathons since 2005. My doctor suggested to continue an active life style, as long as I am able to.

Running and jogging helps you adopt an active and disciplined lifestyle. I am a living example of the fact that discipline, determination, motivation, watching diet, and doing a little exercise can cure many health conditions. Everyone experiences aches and pains with the age but at age 70, I feel pretty good about my health. If I can do it, anyone can do it.

I urge my Ansar brothers, to please adopt active lifestyle and do some physical activity each day, whether it is walking, jogging, swimming, playing tennis, volleyball, table tennis, or simply biking on a stationary bike in your garage.

Also watch your diet. Balance your diet. Eat more fruits and vegetable. Drink a lot of water. Lastly, please have a regular doctor’s checkup, along with a regular visit to a dentist and an eye doctor.

If you have a medical condition, I recommend you consult with you doctor before starting a physical activity. For any questions, you can always contact Qa’id health at

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