We are the Helpers of Allah. October 29, 2018  
Vol. 5, No. 22  

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National Ijtima Survey - Participants’ Testimonials

By the Grace of Allah, an overwhelming majority of brothers who attended the 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah, USA on September 21-23 have enjoyed the experience. Participants of the national Ijtima provided excellent feedback in the survey. Some of the comments from the Ijtima survey are presented in the following.

  • Great Ijtima, very spiritual, uplifting.
  • Had a great time.
  • I can't wait for next year and excited to know where it will be held.
  • Alhamdulillah, the event was great and spiritual. We learned new things and received Allah's closeness and also met some friends and family.
  • All arrangements were excellent, and all the events held were also excellent. I really appreciated and thankful to the management and all the volunteers for this great event and arrangements. Jazakallah Khair. 
  • Amazing brotherhood and great to learn from so many well-versed and experienced brothers about Islam and life in general.
  • All programs were great, Alhamdulillah. Heartwarming speech by Dr. Sohail was excellent. Imam Abubakar's inclusion was great idea. Please add more religious competitions, e.g., essay competition, religious competition based on selected writings of Promised Messiah (alaihissalam). Jazakallah for an excellent Ijtima.
  • Another blessed and spiritually uplifting Ijtima with excellent program and attendance. Allah bless all the organizers and helpers.
  • I have, by the Grace of Allah, had the opportunity of attending many Ansar Ijtima'at. Every year, with the blessings of Allah, the quality of the Ijtima has improved.
  • Jazakallah! Alhamdulillah, everything was picture perfect. Loved the BBQ.


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National Ijtima Survey Results - Part I

Here are some of the Ijtima survey results. More results will be shared in the upcoming issues of this newsletter.


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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
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