We are the Helpers of Allah. November 12, 2018  
Vol. 5, No. 23  

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Your wish is our command

In a meeting with National Amila and Nazimin A'la of Majlis Ansarullah USA during his recent visit to the US, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (may Allah be his helper) expressed his desire that Ansar regularly read Al-Hakam—Jama’at’s very first newspaper that started in the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (alaihissalam) and now launched again. Al-Hakam is available online.

Let us all say Labbaik to our Imam’s desire by start reading Al-Hakam on a regular basis to stay informed and be the recipients of Allah’s blessings by responding to the call of Khalifatul-Masih.

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National Ijtima Survey Results - Part II

Here are some of the Ijtima survey results. More results will be shared in the upcoming issues of this newsletter.


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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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