We are the Helpers of Allah. January 7, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 1  

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Choudhary Fazal Ahmad Passes Away

Hameed Khan, Za’im North Virginia Majlis
Choudhary Fazal Ahmad of North Virginia Majlis passed away on January 8, 2019 after a short illness at the age of 85. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

Choudhary Fazal Ahmad

He has been a very devoted, hardworking, loving, and selfless servant of the Jama’at of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him). He served the Jama’at and Majlis up until his last breath.

He served North Virginia Majlis as Za’im, Na’ib Zaim, and Muntazim Finance at various times. He served the Finance department for more than 15 years and had the distinction of having 100% Chanda collection and 100% participation in North Virginia Majlis before the National Ijtima for the past 15 years consecutively.

Due to his consistent efforts in urging members to pay Chanda, at times people would tell him that he was a beggar and he would lovingly reply: “Yes, I am a beggar of the Jama’at of the Promised Messiah.” Such was his selfless devotion to the Jama’at.

Recognizing his outstanding service and dedication to the Majlis, he was awarded the Life Long Service Award at 2015 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah USA.

Qa’id Finance, Zahid Mian, recognizes his dedication and tireless efforts as Muntazim Finance of North Virginia Majlis:

"I first heard about him at 2015 ALC in Los Angeles but did not get a chance to work with him until I was appointed as Qa’id Finance. That's when I realized that every positive thing that was said about him was true. He was the consummate Muntazim. He regularly communicated with me about the progress of the Majlis and (as local members can verify) he took the time to meet everyone. Even at his advanced age, he made sure that North Virginia was always among the top performing Majalis. May Allah accept the services rendered to Islam/Ahmadiyyat by Chaudhry Sahib and may he attain an elevated status in heaven, Ameen."

May Almighty Allah elevate his status in paradise and may He enable us to serve the Jama'at with the same dedication, Ameen.

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Reading Al-Hakam

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (may Allah be his helper) has expressed his desire that Ansar regularly read Al-Hakam—Jama’at’s very first newspaper that started in the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (alaihissalam) and now launched again.

Let us all say Labbaik to our Imam’s desire by start reading Al-Hakam on a regular basis to stay informed and be the recipients of Allah’s blessings by responding to the call of Khalifatul-Masih.


Ansar Tahir Scholarship

Majlis Ansarullah USA is offering Ansar Tahir Scholarship to Ansar for up to $4,000 per year per applicant for a maximum of two-year training (maximum amount is $8,000 per applicant). The scholarship is for vocational training of Ansar to improve their employability.

The scholarship will be granted on first-come, first-served basis. There is no deadline for the application. In most cases, payments will be made directly to the training institution. Applications should be submitted through the local Za'im Ansarullah. Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:

The applicant is a bona fide member of Majlis Ansarullah, USA in good standing.

The applicant has identified a new or alternate career path and is capable and willing to undertake successful completion of the proposed training.

Direct inquiries to:

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