We are the Helpers of Allah. March 18, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 6  

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Huzoor’s Advice to Ansar - Part I

In the next few issues of this newsletter we will be sharing the concluding address Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) delivered at the 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK.

Huzoor (may Allah be his helper) recited verse 57 of Chapter 51:

“And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.” (The Holy Qur’an, 51 [Al-Dhariyat]:57)

Huzoor (may Allah be his helper) said:

Last week there was an Ijtima of Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya UK. The theme of the Ijtima was Salat. Actually through the year, that was the objective set and they made efforts that Khuddam would pay attention towards upholding Salat. In my closing address at their Ijtima, I drew their attention that it ought not to be a target for one year but in reality this is the goal of a lifetime.

This objective has been set by Allah the Almighty. In this context, I will draw the attention of Ansarullah towards Salat too. No Muslim can fulfill the right of being a Muslim without achieving this objective. Unfortunately, in all age groups and every segment of the Jama’at, there is a deficiency in paying attention to this objective. And there are many amongst Ansarullah who do not grasp the importance of this responsibility and fail to give due attention to achieving this objective of life. Special attention should be given to this objective after entering Ansar’s age.

Even though the realization of this responsibility should be there in youth, but in case it was missed then special attention and awareness should awaken in the age of Ansarullah. This is the status of a true believer that he is aware of the importance of this objective and if this awareness is not there than it is against the dignity of a true believer. This unawareness leads to disbelief. The level of awareness should rise after the age of forty, considering that life is getting shorter with every passing day. Whatever time Allah the Almighty has given us, should be utilized to win His pleasure by fulfilling this objective of our lives.

I think I participated in last year’s Ansarullah UK’s Ijtima and I had reminded Ansar about Salat. For a short period thereafter, attention was heightened towards this responsibility but afterwards, in my opinion, pursuit of worldly objectives overcame the pursuit of the life’s objective set by Allah. Similarly, in many a sermons, I draw attention to this objective but after a few days, forgetfulness about this objective sets in and the attendance in the mosques deteriorates and that splendor (due to heavy attendance) is lacking which one expects from an Ahmadiyya mosque.

Allah the Almighty in the Holy Qur’an has commanded us to uphold Salat on numerous occasions. In the very beginning of the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty for the guided believers used the term Wa Yuqeemun-assalaata (those who uphold the Prayers). If we ascertain the true meaning of Wa Yuqeemun-assalaata from the dictionary then it would be inferred that those who offer Prayers in congregation; those who in accordance with all the requirements offer congregational Salat on its time; reminding each other so that mosques are truly full of splendor; desirous of offering Salat; cultivating love in the hearts to offer Prayers in a timely manner and regularly; protecting the sanctity of Salat and not allowing the standard of Salat to degrade; and are fully focused in Salat.

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Mark Your Calendars

2019 Ansarullah National Ijtima

will be held on

September 20, 21, 22


Baitur Rahman Mosque, Silver Spring, MD


Metabolic Syndrome
Syed Tanvir Ahmad, Qa'id Health

Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X is a group of abnormalities consisting of increased blood pressure, increased glucose, increased abdominal fat and abnormal cholesterol levels.

When present together, Metabolic Syndrome increases a person’s risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Many have no symptoms except for increased waistline. Some may have symptoms of diabetes (increased thirst, frequent urination, etc.)

Your risk increases with age, obesity, ethnicity (Mexican origin), family history of diabetes or history of fatty liver.


Do I have Metabolic Syndrome?

Yes, if you are an adult male

  • with a waistline of more than 40 Inches
  • with a fasting glucose greater than 100mg
  • your good cholesterol (HDL) is less than 40
  • your triglycerides (kind of fat) is more than 150mg
  • your blood pressure is 130/85 or higher

Things I can do to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Fortunately, you can reverse this syndrome by simple consistent and sustained lifestyle changes. If all else fails, your doctor might have to prescribe medicines to prevent complications e.g. heart disease, stroke, etc.

Lifestyle changes that can help reverse Metabolic Syndrome:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthy
  • Lose weight
  • Stop smoking and never drink
  • Reduce stress (your lifestyle changes will help reduce stress too)

If you need more information, please contact Qa’id Health at

Source: Mayo Clinic

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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
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