We are the Helpers of Allah. April 1, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 7  

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Huzoor’s Advice to Ansar - Part II

(Part II of the concluding address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK.

Referring to the guided believers mentioned by Allah in Wa Yuqeemun-assalaata (those who uphold the Prayers), Huzoor said that at times, the thoughts drift away in Salat, they supplicate by coming in the protection of Allah, and shake off their distractions and focus towards Him so that Salat is guarded and upheld. Anyway, Allah the Almighty has commanded rightly guided believers to protect and uphold Salat. The purpose of this commandment is not only to uphold and protect their Salat and populate the mosques but also to strive to bring others as well. Together such a spirit has to be instilled, where attention towards offering congregational Salat is heightened and such Jama'at of believers is formed about whom is said that Salat is the pinnacle of the believers.

Thus, it is a great responsibility of Ansarullah that they recognize the importance of this and fulfill the rights of congregational Salat and draw the attention of their children and members of their household towards congregational Salat. If the officeholders of Majlis Ansarullah pay attention to fulfilling the rights of congregational Salat and bringing their children to the mosques by drawing their attention towards this matter and constantly remind their Ahmadi neighbors, then we will notice that truly our mosques will be full of splendor and if all Ansar pay attention towards this responsibility then real revolution will take place. There is a great need of paying attention towards this obligation. The verse that I recited in the beginning (“And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.” [51:57]) reminds a believer of the objective of life and implores that he should fulfill the right of upholding congregational Salat and this obligation of worship can only be fulfilled by adopting the ways of worship as described by Allah. The word Ya’budun is derived from the word Abd, that is, the ones who fulfill the right of worship and those who are wholly obedient. Therefore, in order to be an Abd, one has to fulfill the rights of worship and be fully obedient to the commandments of Allah.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) has elaborated on this by stating that Allah the Almighty has placed a deep connection between Abudiyat (servitude) and Rabubiyat (Godliness) and to form this relationship Allah the Almighty has established Salat. So, it is essential that this relationship be established. This point should be understood by all. If obligations of Salat are not met, then responsibility of becoming a true servant (Abd) of Allah is not fulfilled. If you are not concerned about yourself and about your children offering Salat with all its requirements, then claiming that Allah is your Rab (sustainer) is merely words. With great anxiety, you ought to be concerned about standard of your Prayers so that you can benefit from being a true servant or Abd and benefit from Allah’s attribute of Rabubiyat or sustenance.

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Congregational Salat
Moyenuddin Sirajee, Qa’id Tarbiyat

This year, the main goal of the Tarbiyat department of Majlis Ansarullah USA is to increase participation in Congregational Salat. In this regard, the department prepared the following step by step action for officeholders of local Majalis that they may follow to achieve this goal. It is being shared with the members so that they too may benefit from it.

  • Lead by example: A Za’im and Muntazim Tarbiyat should be regular in offering congregational Prayers in the mosque or Salat center.
  • Pray that Allah help us improve our status of offering congregational Salat.
  • Za’im should encourage local Ansar Amila members to be regular in offering congregational Salat, periodically assessing the status of the Amila members in this regard.
  • Visit various Salat centers (if any) in local Majlis and motivate Ansar to be regular in congregational Salat.
  • Perform a geographic survey of the mosques and Salat centers in relation to members’ homes in the Majlis. If necessary, try to establish new Salat centers after discussing with local President and missionary.
  • Share the motivational quotes posted on "Ansarullah USA" WhatsApp group with local members.
  • Communicate with Qa’id Tarbiyat and discuss the progress of the local Majlis, share inspirational stories of members or any difficulties faced and seek his help if needed.
  • Collect "Congregational Prayer Attendance" data for planning and reporting purposes.
  • Seek guidance from local missionary and invite him to the Ansar monthly meeting to offer insight about importance of congregational Salat.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (may Allah be his helper) has been urging us to regularly offer Salat in congregation. Let’s say Labbaik to the call of our beloved Imam.

If you have any questions in this regard, please contact me at

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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
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