We are the Helpers of Allah. May 27, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 11  

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Advice from Khalifatul-Masih - Part VI

(Part VI of the concluding address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK.

Word of Salat implies the meaning of sizzling up, like heat is generated through fire and one feels warm, it creates warmth. There should be such a passion in Salat. When one reaches this condition like a type of death then it is called Salat. So, these are the kinds of Salat that The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) expects from us and if our Salat will be full of fervor and warmth then there will not be the complaint that Allah does not hear us. To say that we supplicated a lot, we prayed for this goal, but remember if the goal is worldly then the condition where Allah listens to his servant will not appear. By Allah's grace there are plenty in our Jama'at, whose Salat is filled with spiritual warmth. Their prayers are filled with a smart pain. Their Salat is full of joy and enjoyment and they never grumble that Allah does not listen to their prayers. They accept the will of Allah. Their delight in Salat does not weaken. Many a new member of Jama'at has experienced joy and delight in Salat.

Sometime ago, missionary from Benin wrote about a new Ahmadi Idris Sahib who was a Muslim prior to joining the Jama'at five months ago. As a Muslim, he offered Prayers, and even offered Tahajjud Prayers. He stated that he never got any joy or delight in his Prayers. He never felt the spiritual warmth and fervor. He claimed that his world changed once he accepted Ahmadiyyat and started getting the pleasure and joy when he would offer the Salat. Therefore, once a person gets the true knowledge of Allah the Almighty, the supplications becomes earnest and joy and delight sets in Prayers. The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) has said about creating such Salat, which has spiritual warmth, and fervor is as if dark clouds appear in the sky after a scorching sun and rain is imminent. Just like that, a person's intense supplications create this faith inspired warmth that they get accepted. Salat is where a person respectfully stands in the presence of Allah with spiritual warmth and fervor. He is overcome with humility and there is a certain warmth and pain in his heart and in such condition he attains the true Salat. When people become negligent then know that Allah is self-sufficient. Any Ummah (nation -followers of Prophet) lasts only as long as its focus is Allah the Almighty. The foundation of belief is Salat. Some unwise say that why would Allah need our worship.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) says, "O heedless people, Allah does not have any need, you are the ones who need to worship so that you get Allah's favor. With Allah's favor, crooked things straighten out. Salat removes thousands of shortcomings and becomes a reason for attaining nearness to Allah. Allah does not need us. When Allah commanded us to worship Him, it was His beneficence on us so that we get closer to Him and not only receive the worldly favors but also receive spiritual blessings." Drawing a picture of many worshipers, the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) stated on one occasion that there are many who claim by their tongue to accept Allah but if one looks closely, they appear to be atheists. This is so because as they get immersed in worldly affairs, they forget about Allah's wrath and grandeur. Therefore, it is essential that through prayers you ask Allah for His realization. Without this realization, you will not attain complete faith. You will only attain certainty of faith when you will realize that there is a death in breaking ties with Allah. And this will only happen when you will fear and realize that spiritual death will come to you if your ties with Allah are severed or you failed to fulfill the rights of Allah or did not follow His commandments. When this realization takes place then heartfelt supplications to acquire realization of Allah will be made.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) further said that as you pray to be saved from sin you should not let go of planning. Only prayers will not suffice, planning is necessary. And all those assemblies and companies where one is tempted with sin should be left aside. On one hand man supplicates that Allah grant His realization and he prospers and follows the right path while on the other hand he attends gathering where he is encouraged to commit sin, watching television, and watching wrong type of movies. I receive reports from older Ansar, from ladies, and children that they are watching wrong type of programming. Some are participating in gatherings where they are gossiping and where they are criticizing the system of the Jama'at or are complaining about each other or backbiting. By continuing to participate in such gatherings will certainly not lead to acquiring realization of Allah.

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Ta'lim Test I

Karim Sharif, Qa'id Ta'lim
Ta'lim Test I, covering Haqiqatul Wahi and first half part of the Holy Qur'an, has been launched.

  • The test is fully mobile-friendly and can be taken using any mobile device or computer.
  • Questions can be flipped to Urdu or English and can be answered in either language.
  • The test can be completed in multiple sessions before the deadline.
  • You will find some questions based upon pictures.
  • You will read a paragraph first within some questions and then answer. Easy!
  • A paper version is offered to elderly upon request, mailed to their home. Just log in with your credentials and then select the option "I request paper version" if available. Make sure you update your home address using the link provided.
  • A Za'im can request a paper version for a Nasir, subject to approval by Qa’id Ta'lim.
  • All paper version tests must be received at the address given in the paper test for participation.

The deadline to complete the test is Friday, July 19, 2019.

The test can be taken at:

Test material is available at:

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You can log in using your Jama'at member code. The password is first 3 letters of your Majlis (case-insensitive) + 2019. e.g. a Dallas Majlis' Nasir's password would look like DAL2019 or dal2019.

Please take the test as soon as possible and also urge other Ansar in your Majlis to do so.

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