We are the Helpers of Allah. June 10, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 12  

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Eid Mubarak from Ameer Jama'at USA

Dear Members:

As-Salamu Alaikum,

I wish you Eid Mubarak. May Allah continue the blessings of Ramadan and guide us on the path of His pleasure. I would like to share a few words from an Eid ul Fitr sermon by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih ll, Muslih Mau'ud (may Allah be pleased by him) delivered on July 11, 1919:

"What is our Eid? It is that we find our beloved, our God. That whoever strives and endeavors hard, he will find his God. Our Eid is that in which we tread the right path, and through which we are led to God, and then the acceptance of our prayers and righteousness is borne. Thus, the object of our Eid is as I have just said, to find our God and the way to reach this goal is by offering sacrifices. If we remember this purpose, then our Eid will be a true Eid. Otherwise, this false happiness only exacerbates distress and pain.

For those who are servants of God, every day is Eid and no worldly affliction affects them because their hearts are content, but a person whose heart is distressed and is surrounded by all sorts of troubles, even if he dresses in nice clothes, eats fine food, he does not enjoy Eid. On the contrary the servants of God reside in that garden where no affliction touches them and they are free of all woes.

This is the Eid which a Momin (faithful) should strive for, for merely wearing nice clothes is not Eid. How can it be Eid when your heart is filled with distress? Eid is only for those whose hearts are happy and this contentment only comes by meeting one's God or finding the means to achieve His pleasure. One who becomes the recipient of His favors, the world gazes upon him with amazement because there is no grief or worry for the servant of God, his heart is at peace and he is in a state where God is pleased with him and he is pleased with God.

The Eid then becomes an emblem of God's pleasure for him, God's angels guard him and protect him. May Allah enable our Jamaat to experience this type of Eid."

May Allah soon bring that day when we as a Jama'at can claim to be part of those true servants of God and celebrate this true Eid, Ameen.

Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad

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Advice from Khalifatul-Masih - Part VII

(Part VII of the concluding address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) says: Avoid the gatherings that entice you to sin and at the same time you should pray that Allah grants you knowledge. Know full well that a person without Allah's help cannot be spared the trials and tribulations that originate due to destiny and fate. Salat is offered five times a day and (not once, twice or three times a day) and if it is not safeguarded from distracted thoughts or carnal emotions then it will not be a true Salat. Salat should not be offered in a hurried manner or for merely customary and habitual reasons but it should be offered where it is heartfelt and gradually melts the soul in a fearful manner and falls on the Divine threshold.

Create the heart that is aware, full of tenderness, spiritual warmth and fervor and is ablaze (with the love of Allah). Prostrate and submit to Allah the Almighty in this condition. As much as you can, with overwhelming emotions, supplicate that one may get rid of the embedded boastfulness and sin from his soul. Also pray that O Allah remove my shortcomings, flaws, arrogance, and boastfulness and grant me your realization and make me your true servant. This type of Salat is full of blessing and if you are steadfast you will see that either in day or night, divine light will engulf your heart and the brashness of Nafs-e-Ammara (a self which is ever inclined to evil and is opposed to his attainment of perfection) will lessen. A serpent carries deadly poison and Nafs-e-Ammara carries poison too. Creator of these has an antidote for the poison. The soul repeatedly incites you towards evil and in order to save yourself—just like in order to protect yourself from venomous serpent—you must seek out Allah's help. Therefore, you must remember this aspect that you need Allah's help to protect yourself.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) further states that you must pray during your five daily Prayers, and it is not forbidden to pray in your own language. There is no delight in Salat if you are not completely focused, and your heart is not satisfied if you lack humility. So, adopt humble ways and your heart will be inclined towards Prayers. When humility takes hold, then you understand what you are reciting in Prayers. Additionally, praying in your language inculcates the concern and passion for Prayers. Humility will only be instilled if you understand the words you are reciting in Salat. When you will know the meaning (of prayers recited in Salat) then the heart and mind will be inclined. One should not deduce from this that you could offer Salat in your own language or offer the Salat by translating the Arabic words or often-recited prayers in your own language. I do not mean that at all. There is a blessing in reciting Arabic prayers in Salat. Salat is a name of supplication. Therefore, in it, pray that you are saved from trials and tribulations and your end is a good one. Pray for your spouse and children. Become pious and refrain from all types of evil. One of the purposes of congregational Salat is that the believers become one nation and when supplications made in congregational Salat reach Allah then these supplications have a special status in acceptance and create a revolution. If we want to bring about a revolution, we will have to pay attention towards this.


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