We are the Helpers of Allah. June 24, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 13  

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Bring your Tabligh Guest to Jalsa

Muhammad Ahmad, Qa'id Tabligh

Jalsa Salana is an excellent opportunity to get your guests—"New Ahmadis" and those "Under Tabligh—get acquainted to Ahmadiyyat the true Islam.

National Tabligh Department of USA Jama'at is requesting everyone who is planning to bring these guests to Jalsa Salana to have them registered as soon as possible so that the accommodation and other arrangements can be made in a timely manner.

I would request that any Ansar brothers who are taking their guests to Jalsa Salana to please register then now.

If you have any questions please contact me at

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Advice from Khalifatul-Masih - Part VIII

(Part VIII of the concluding address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) further states that Allah’s purpose is to make humanity as oneself and unified nation (Wahdat e Jamhoori), where men come under the leadership of one man. When there will be one nation, a lot of men will come under the leadership of one man and they all will be considered as one soul. This is the desire from religion that just like beads in rosary are sown together, all men are sown together in this unified nation. Congregational Salat is for the purpose of unity, and to stand together for Prayers is for this purpose that those who excel in Nur (spiritual light or piety) inculcate it into the weak and strengthen them. Pilgrimage (Hajj) is also for this purpose. To establish this unified nation, Allah the Almighty has started with a commandment that people of local neighborhoods gather together for five daily Prayers in a local mosque so that good traits are exchanged, and light removes the darkness (of character). Coming to the mosque, offering five daily Prayers should be with the intention that we need to supplicate and unify. Lest it happens that we go to the mosque and discord exists and hearts hold grudges and fights are breaking out.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) further stated that by meeting and getting together at the mosque, we introduce ourselves and develop fondness for each other and this forms the basis of unity. In reality, a familiar enemy is far better than unfamiliar friend. And when in a foreign country, familiar enemies meet each other, an attachment develops due to familiarity. The reason is by being away from the land of resentment, temporary malice is forgotten and familiarity remains. Enemies at times in foreign countries become friends. When a person goes to a foreign land and cannot find folks from his own country and then comes across a person from the same country with which he had some differences, these differences fade away out of necessity of relying on each other for survival, eventually friendship and relations foster.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) further states that second commandment is that on Friday, gather at the central (Jamia) mosque—as it may be difficult for the folks living in a city to gather daily—once a week to be introduced with each other and get unified. After all, they will get united sometimes. And after a year, it was advised that folks from city and neighboring villages would gather for Eid Prayers so that introduction takes place, affection enhances and unified nation is created. Similarly, for an international gathering, a day was determined in their lifetime when they all gather on the grounds of Mecca. This way Allah desires that affection and love take hold among the people. This affection and love for the sake of Allah, that He desires to cultivate among the Muslims, is to make them a unified nation. He wants to create true believers.

For this reason, with this thought in mind, people should focus on their Prayers and come to mosque for five daily Prayers and for Jumu’ah Prayers and for Eid Prayers. Now, during these times, Allah the Almighty has provided for us ways to hold Jalsa and Ijtima. We gather so that we can hear religious discourses, offer Prayers together and love and affection grows among us. We should be grateful for this additional blessing that Allah has bestowed on us through The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him.)

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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
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