We are the Helpers of Allah. July 8, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 14  

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National Ijtima Registration

Hadi Ahmed, Nazim Ijtima

Dear Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

By the grace of Allah Jalsa Salana USA has concluded and now we are in full swing to host you at the National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah USA being held on Fri-Sun, September 20-22 at Baitur Rahman Mosque, MD.

The registration for the Ijtima is now open. Please register as soon as possible. For Ijtima related questions, please visit the 2019 Ijtima Portal. The Ijtima portal has all the information including information on accommodation, transportation, travel subsidy, etc. You can also see who else is coming to the Ijtima.

The Ijtima team looks forward to seeing you and serving you at the Ijtima.

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Advice from Khalifatul-Masih - Part IX

(Part IX of the concluding address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK.

The correct way to express gratitude is to inculcate true love in our hearts, become true servant of Allah, and fulfill the rights of Allah and His creation. The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) states that Salat is the right of Allah and fulfill it in a nice manner, do not spend your lives in enmity of Allah and be watchful of the obligations of loyalty and truth towards Him. Never part with Salat. Let your household go to ruin but never give up on Salat. Salat rectifies the faith, improves the character, and corrects your world. The joy in Salat is far greater than any other worldly pleasure. Thousands of rupees (unit of currency e.g. dollars) are spent for the joys of flesh and then you notice that the results are several illnesses. However, if a person is regular in Salat, he inherits paradise freely. There are two types of heavens mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. One of them is the heaven on earth and it is the joy one gets in Salat. The moment you feel the joy in Salat, realize you have received heaven on earth.

How do people who offer Salat are revolutionized, how do they get this pleasure and how they are the recipient of this heaven in this lifetime?  There are quite a few folks like that in Jama’at and the condition of their children has also changed, and they also aspire to receive this heaven on earth. I present to you an example. Local missionary from Benin Jama’at writes about a friend Abdul Momin Sahib. Abdul Momin sahib stated to him that he is a Muslim by birth and was not regular in Prayers and because of that his children, especially his young daughter, was far removed from Islam. He says that his own lifestyle was not exemplary so whatever advice I gave to my children, it had no response. Abdul Momin sahib further states that once he accepted Ahmadiyyat, a change occurred in me and with Allah’s grace his daughter is now practicing Islam. As a matter of fact, she regularly attends Jama’at’s programs and all of us are now drawn towards regular Salat and are truly focused towards prayers.  Look, not only that he personally was reformed after accepting The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) but his children were reformed too. Therefore, our example is essential for reformation of members of our household.

Modeling the way is the job entrusted to Ansarullah and in essence is the objective of Majlis Ansarullah. Drawing our attention towards supplications and worship, The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) states that Allah protects those people who are most worthy of respect. Who are those people who are worthy of respect? These are the people who have true relationship with Allah, they keep their inner character impeccable and there is no deceit in their external or internal character. They maintain their true relationship with Allah, they are not deceptive, and their character is transparent. They do not just claim that they are in love with Allah and are His servants but their hearts also testify to it and their actions match their statements and they are kind and sympathetic towards fellow human beings. This is their identification that they are kind and sympathetic towards others and express hope for goodness and are obedient to Allah. Therefore, one understands this from the Holy Quran, “Say to the disbelievers: ‘But for your prayer to Him my Lord would not care for you.” (25:78) It also means He does care for others, those who are dutiful. It means that if you pray, Allah will care for you. When Allah the Almighty cares then they attain a special station.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) further states that those whose attention is drawn towards Allah the Almighty, who bow down to Him and fulfill the rights of worship and are truly dutiful, all shortcomings that tend to take them away from Allah are removed. And when a person reforms himself and develops a relationship with Allah the Almighty then He spares them from punishment. Allah is not stubborn, that is why He says, “Why should Allah punish you, if you are thankful and if you believe?” (4:148)

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