We are the Helpers of Allah. July 22, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 15  

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Invitation for Ijtima 2019

Imran Hayee, Sadr Majlis

This year’s Ansar Ijtima is around the corner and I personally want to extend an invitation to each one of you to attend this Ijtima and make it an enjoyable experience for all of us. You must be thinking why you should attend the Ijtima to make it enjoyable for all of “us.” What about “you” and your joy? Doesn’t that matter? It absolutely does! I won’t be asking you to attend the Ijtima if the days you spend at the Ijtima wouldn’t fill your heart with joy. And that is the real reason, your coming to the Ijtima will make it enjoyable for all of us—you including. I know, all of you—who have followed the Imam of the age—not only know this in theory but have actually tasted this joy many a times in their hearts. Please come for that joy as that joy is my joy, that joy is your joy, and that joy is our joy. Let’s be together at this blessed gathering to revel in that joy once more.

I know, for many of you “that joy” is a strong enough reason to attend but some of you may look for another compelling reason to attend. I can give you another reason but I also know that you can think of a counter reason as well. I can tell you that Huzoor (may Allah be his helper) would very much want you to attend this Ijtima. You can think that Huzoor has repeatedly advised us to spend time with our families so why not take my children on a vacation trip that weekend. I can tell you that the program team has put together a wonderful program for this year’s Ijtima. You can find a particular presentation or another part of the program which you may dislike or may not have any interest in. I can tell you that a vast team of volunteers is working very hard to make transportation and accommodation experience very comfortable for you. You can think of a late pick up from the airport or a noisy corner in the sleeping area when you attended last time. I can tell you that you can get to meet and hug your friends from all over the nation. You can think of a person at the Ijtima whom you don’t like to meet let alone hug him. I can tell you that there will be a delicious BBQ dinner at the Ijtima. You can think of this as an extravaganza. I can tell you that you there will be many interactive workshops to spiritually grow and enhance your knowledge. You can think of why not enough sports at the Ijtima.

This list can go on and on. Where does it end? This ends when I tell you that it’s the unity of hearts which stems from our common belief in Khilafat. We attend the Ijtima for the sake of Khilafat to exhibit the unity which this world is deprived of today except the Jama’at of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him). It is guaranteed by Almighty Allah.

“He has put affection between your hearts.” [8:64]

This affection is priceless and this affection is what triggers “that joy” in your heart, in my heart, and in our hearts.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Ijtima on the weekend of Sep 20-22 at Baitur Rahman Mosque, Insha’allah. Please come.

Here is the Ijtima Program. Please register for the Ijtima as soon as you can. Jazakallah.

With love and prayers,

Imran Hayee
humbly serving, Majlis Ansarullah USA

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Salat Ashra

We have entered another Ashra Salat (August 1 – August 10). During these ten days, we should pay special attention towards our daily Prayers and understand its significance. Moreover, we need to make efforts to also include and invite our friends and family towards Prayer and make sure that our mosques, Salat centers—and where they both are not available then our houses are filled with Prayers and its blessings. We should always remember that the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) has said that even if your entire house is ruined, let it be so, but never discard Prayer.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) has advised us:

"Observe Prayer services regularly. Some people content themselves with one Prayer service daily but they must remember that no one is exempt from them, nor even the prophets. It is narrated in a Hadith that a company of men who had just accepted Islam requested the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) to be exempted from the Salat. He observed: A religion that does not demand action is no religion at all." (Malfuzat, vol. 1, page 263)

May Allah enable us to safeguard our Prayers and bring about positive change in our lives, Ameen.

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