We are the Helpers of Allah. September 16, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 19  

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Gratitude to My Brothers
Imran Hayee, Sadr Majlis

I wanted to say Jazakallah to all my brothers for the love you expressed during the Ijtima. I request your continued prayers and also want to let you know that you and your families have been in my continuous prayers especially during travel.

I hope and pray that everyone has arrived home safely. Please convey my gratitude and Salam to your families as well for letting you enjoy this Ijtima. And do take some rest and spend good amount of time with your families.

Please take a moment to complete the National Ijtima Survey and let us know what you liked and provide feedback about areas of improvement. Jazakallah.

See you all next time, Insha’allah.


Imran Hayee


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Advice from Khalifatul-Masih - Part X

The last installment (Part X) of the concluding address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah, UK.

One of our Missionary reports that we went to a village in Ghana, a West African country. Quite a lot of people over there indulge in drinking, gambling and at times are drunk and have many other vices. He states that when we went to convey the message of Islam, we examined the village and our analysis was that we would not have much success. These folks are entirely worldly, they gamble, they get drunk often and indulge in many immoral things. We did not expect them to listen to us or be inclined towards religion or Allah. Far from achieving success, we did not expect that they would give us an ear. Anyway, when we preached to them, some of them heard our message, in fact many among them accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat. Those who took Bai’at, a revolutionary change took place in them. They started offering Jumu’ah Prayer by travelling 4 kilometers away in a mosque since they did not have a mosque of their own. The same people who had all these immoral habits like gambling and drinking were revolutionized. There interest peaked and the change in them got hold and they decided to make a temporary mosque near their own place. Then congregational Salat started and now the same people are offering five times daily Salat. This is the revolution that has developed in these people.

Nowadays, new Jama’ats are forming in the world and mosques are being built where they are trying to fill it with worshippers. And it is something to ponder over for those who are seated here in front of me. There are many here who have come here in the western countries because they were prohibited to worship openly, could not openly call themselves Muslim, could not act upon the Islamic commandments, were not able to call upon Allah. And, because of these difficulties, came here. It is incumbent upon us to fulfill the rights of Allah, follow His commandments, and populate our mosques. If we will not do this, if we will not fulfill the rights of worship and if we will not follow the commandments or we will not become true servants of Allah then know that Allah is self-sufficient. We must always remember this; Allah has no relations with anyone.

The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) at one place said that if you do not become a pious person and are not immersed in the thoughts of Allah then my God does not care for your life. It is true that when a person spends a life of ignorance and is not fazed by Allah’s glory and grandeur and acts in an unrestrained and brash manner then a goat is better than that person. One drinks milk from a goat, its meat is eaten and its hide has many uses. This way an animal become better than humans especially halal animals. Therefore, it is an important thing to reflect and pay attention to. We should ponder about it all the time. Merely raising slogans will not bring victory of Islam. Mere slogans will not reform us. True message of Ahmadiyyat will not continue among our progeny by simply raising slogans. We need to work hard to fulfill the rights of worship of Allah and become the recipient of His blessings. May Allah give us the ability to fulfill the true rights of worship. May we get His knowledge and may we reform ourselves and model the way for our children.

These days world is forgetting Allah in a hurry. Reformation of the world is only possible through the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) for which purpose Allah has sent him. If prior Ahmadis will not grasp the significance of this important task and after arriving here (in the western countries)—instead of being grateful—loose themselves in the pursuits of this world, will not leave any examples for our children, then Allah will provide other sincere devotees to the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him), and He is providing them too. And there will always be, all over the world, such people who will raise the flag of religion and they will be the true Ansarullah. Therefore, always keep this front and center that if you want to be counted among those, want your progeny to be counted among those about whom Allah cares, then you will have to protect your Salat and uphold your worship. May Allah give us all these abilities. Ameen.

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