We are the Helpers of Allah. September 30, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 20  

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Ansar Tahir Scholarship—A Tool for Za'im to Connect with Ansar Brothers
Baltimore Majlis

A Nasir of Baltimore Majlis establishes himself as a successful Commercial Truck Driver, having received Ansar Tahir Scholarship

A Nasir of Baltimore Majlis immigrated to the US from Thailand in 2017. His family was one of those forced to flee persecution in Pakistan by moving to Thailand. After staying for a few years in Thailand, he received approval to travel to the US. He struggled for many months while working at temporary odd jobs to take care of his family of six. Fellow Ansar brothers suggested he pursue a career as a truck driver, and the local Za’im asked him to apply for Ansar Tahir Scholarship to pay for his Commercial Driver License (CDL) training.

Originally, he was against the idea of receiving money from the Majlis, but he agreed to borrow money as a good faith loan and promised that he will return the money to the Majlis. He was able to complete his training in two months and started his new career as a CDL truck driver. His meeting with the local Za’im after receiving his CDL was very emotional, and they enjoy a renewed relationship with one another.

When he is not on the road driving, he offers himself to help the local Za’im in any capacity, always going beyond the call of duty. Recently, the local Za’im asked him to be available to serve food with the Ziafat team at 5:00 a.m. at Baitur Rahman Mosque during the Ansar National Ijtima. He also brought his son, who took a day off from high school to help with the Ziafat duties.

He and his family are grateful for the support they received from Majlis Ansarullah. Now, they make an effort to always be at the forefront to volunteer for the Jama’at of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him).

National Ijtima Survey Results

Here are some of the National Ijtima survey results. More results will be shared in the upcoming issues of this newsletter.


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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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