We are the Helpers of Allah. December 23, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 26  

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2020 National Amila of Majlis Ansarullah USA
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) has graciously approved the following national Amila of Majlis Ansarullah USA for the year 2020. May Allah Almighty enable each of these members to fulfill their responsibilities in the best possible manner, Ameen.


Officeholder Office
Imran Hayee Sadr
Suhail Kausar Na'ib Sadr Awwal
Abdul Hadi Ahmad Na'ib Sadr Saff Dom
M. Dawood Munir Na'ib Sadr
Mansoor Ahmad Qureshi Na'ib Sadr
Mahfooz Sheikh Qa'id Umumi
Iftikhar Ahmed Qa'id Isha'at (Publications)
Basharat Ahmad Wadan Qa'id Ithar (Social Services)
Zahid Mian Qa'id Mal (Finance)
Belal Khalid Qa'id Ta'lim (Education)
Munir Malik Qa'id Ta'limul Qur'an (Education of the Holy Qur'an)
Ahmad G Muhammad Qa'id Tabligh (Preaching)
Hassiem Abdullah Babatu Qa'id Tahrik Jadid
Muhammad Shahid Mahmood Qa'id Tajnid (Membership)
Lamin Sanyang Qa'id Tarbiyat (Training)
Tahir Soofi Qa'id Tarbiyat Nau Muba'i'in (New Converts)
Mooda Shiraz Mantara Qa'id Waqf Jadid
Syed Tanvir Ahmad Qa'id Dhahanat wa Sihat Jismani (Intellect and Physical Health)
Tayyib Rashid Auditor
Adil Mian Mu'awin Sadr (IT)
Rizwan Alladin Mu'awin Sadr (Special Projects)

Ansar Chanda

If you have not yet paid your 2019 Ansar Chanda fully, please do so before the end of the year. You can pay Ansar Chanda online using your checking account or credit card at

Ta'lim Test II

Please take Ta'lim Test II online.

The deadline to take the test is Tue, Dec 31, 2019.

Login Password

First three letters of your Majlis name plus 2019

dal2019 for Dallas Ansar
det2019 for Detroit Ansar

2020 Nazimin A'la of Majlis Ansarullah USA

Regional Nazimin A'la for the year 2020 are as follows. May Allah Almighty enable each of these members to serve their respective regions to the best of their abilities, Ameen.

Nazim A'la Region
Anas Ahmed Mirza Central East
Khurram Shah Central West
Khalid Aziz Ahmed Chicago
Nasir Bukhari Great Lakes
Iftikhar Ahmad Sheikh Gulf States
Naveed Malik Headquarters
Abu Bakar Bin Saeed Midwest
Mahmood Ahmad Bhutta New York
Sarjo Trawalley Northeast
Atta Karim Chowdhry Northwest
Imtiyaz Rajayki Southeast
Abdul Basith Zafar Southwest
Shahid Malik Virginia

Send us your stories of brotherhood, Ijtima memories, or any other inspiring experience that we can share with Ansar brothers via this e-newsletter.

Department of Publications
Majlis Ansarullah USA
  Contact Us

   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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Majlis Ansarullah USA is an auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, USA,