We are the Helpers of Allah. February 22, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 04  

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Seeking relationship with a living God

Hameed Khan (former Zaim Ansarullah, Northern Virginia)

This narration is about my grandfather, Mohammed Ilyas Khan, a follower of Hadhrat Masih-e-Maud Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani (AS); Molvi Muhammad Ilyas, who was Pathan and was among the pioneer Ahmadis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (present Pakistan) and belonged to the city of Charsadda. After his acceptance of Ahmadiyyat, there was a lot of opposition of him and he was forced to leave his hometown and he had to migrate to Balochistan Province of Pakistan.

Once a Chief Justice of Qa’dah in Kaalat asked Molvi Muhammad Ilyas in a public gathering:

"Molvi sahib! Did you not find any spiritual leader or saint in the entire Pathan community that you have chosen to do a bai’at at the hand of a Punjabi peer in Qadian?"

The purpose of this question was to provoke his tribal pride, as well as other Pathans in the gathering. Upon hearing this, Molvi sahib answered very courageously.  He stood up and said:

"Now that you have asked me this question in public, I must answer you in this forum."

He detailed his conquest to make a relationship with the living God but found no help from any local saints or religious scholars.  He visited all Muslim sects and they unanimously answered that Allah no longer speaks to people.  Molvi sahib then came across the teachings of Hadhrat Masih-e-Maud (AS) and learned that people can still get closeness to Allah so much so that they have a dialogue with Allah by doing a Bai’at and accepting Ahmadiyyat.  Molvi sahib then challenged the Chief Justice and all attendees and said:

"I swear in the name of Allah, knowingly that false swearing in the name of Allah is the sign of the wicked that Allah converses with me.  Is there anyone among you all who can make such a claim?"

The entire gathering was silent. Upon this he mentioned that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani (AS) is the Promised Messiah and Mehdi as prophesized by Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Presently, the progeny of Molvi Muhammad Ilyas Khan is spread in multiple countries and are actively serving Jamaat Ahmadiyya, Alhamdolillah.  

Sadr Ansarullah visits NY majalis

Zaman Mohammad (Serving as Zaim Queens NY)

Sadr Ansarullah USA visited New York Majalis on Feb 9th in Long Island. Since it was a relatively short visit, he invited all four majalis of NY to join in together. He talked about how Ansar can take their respective majlis to the next level. He also discussed how they can increase their meeting attendance and improve Chanda participation and collections.

Sadr sahib went over 5 key points and advised the local majalis to focus on them;

1. Importance to offer the five daily prayers
2. Improving the attendance of monthly meetings
3. Actively participating in the regional and national ijtimas
4. Importance of submitting income budget and paying at prescribed rate
5. Cooperation with Zaim and his amila in making the local majlis more effective

The local ansar of NY area were very grateful for Sadr sahib’s visit and pledged to try their best to follow his guidelines above.


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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
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