We are the Helpers of Allah. April 03, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 05  

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What support and guidance, can Majlis provide you?

Imran Hayee (Sadr Ansarullah, USA)

Dear Brothers, Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah,

We are passing through unprecedented times. With so much panic around us, let’s continue to knock on the doors of Allah Ta’ala’s Mercy and do whatever is necessary to win His pleasure as Huzur (aba) has advised us.

There is no doubt that this is a huge trial of our lives but at the same time, it is an enormous opportunity to strengthen our faith in the existence of God as well as the power of prayer through which we can beg for His Mercy and Grace.

There is no doubt that this is a huge trial of our lives but at the same time, it is an enormous opportunity to strengthen our faith in the existence of God as well as the power of prayer through which we can beg for His Mercy and Grace.

To help you stay healthy and engaged, Majlis Ansarullah will also be conducting a series of interactive sessions next week from Monday to Thursday every evening at 9 pm EST. These sessions will be open to all and you can participate in any or all of these sessions based upon your interest.

Majlis might not be able to do enough but I can assure you that we are right here and determined to help in whatever way we can. Although, Zoama are trying to reach out to every Nasir in their respective Majalis but in case you have not heard from your Zaim yet, please reach out to him and let him know if you need any kind of support or guidance. If your Zaim cannot provide you the needed support or guidance using local resources, he knows how to engage the entire machinery of Majlis Ansarullah all the way to Sadr Majlis to find the right kind of help for you. That’s the love and brotherhood through which Allah Ta’ala has bonded us all.

"He has put affection between your hearts" [8:64].

Let’s continue to be compassionate for each other and help our brothers in need. More importantly, I request each one of you to be vigilant, to identify your brothers in need who are unable to advocate for themselves during this trying period.

May Allah Ta’ala be with you all, and may we be with Him in true spirit. Ameen.

With love and prayers,

Imran Hayee
humbly serving, Majlis Ansarullah USA

Majlis Ansarullah’s Series of Interactive Sessions

Majlis Ansarullah will conduct series of interactive sessions next week from Monday to Thursday every evening from 9 to 10 pm EST. These sessions are open to all and you can participate in any or all of these sessions via teleconference.

1) Taking care of your physical and emotional health: If you are worried about becoming idle, or managing stress, or want to understand the damage COVID19 can exert, please join this session to ask a question or share your experience.
Monday, April 6, 2020 at 9 pm EST

2) Understanding the reality of suffering: You can join this session to ask a question or share your own experience about the power of prayers, how to find God in this ungodly world, or discerning a punishment from a trial.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 9 pm EST

3) Conveying the message of God in this time of social distancing: If you miss the Tabligh experience of going door to door or engaging in face-to-face discussions, you can join this session to find out how to use technology and other online resources to convey the true concept of God to people around us.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 9 pm EST

4) Identifying resources and support for our financial health: Many of our brothers have recently lost their jobs or have become constrained financially. You can join this session to learn about how to find resources and take advantage of those. You can ask a question like “if” and “when” you would get your stimulus check or if you are eligible to apply for unemployment insurance or a small business loan. will have experts who can provide you individual guidance as well. We have prepared a resource page on our website ( listing many resources and answers to frequently asked questions.
Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 9 pm EST

Registration Link: Click here
Note: Registration is not necessary to attend but because of the limited capacity of 100 attendees, please register here for one or more sessions to guarantee your space.


Send us your stories of brotherhood, Ijtima memories, or any other inspiring experience that we can share with Ansar brothers via this e-newsletter.

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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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