We are the Helpers of Allah. April 27, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 06  

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COVID-19 virus is raging through the community and is infecting people with no regard to caste, color, creed or religion. Members of Majlis Ansaullah have also been affected to varying degrees. We share the experience of our dear brother Dr. Mirza Anas Ahmed, who was infected with the virus while working on the front lines and taking care of the patients. He survived this ordeal, Alhamdolillah. His experience is not only uplifting but also a learning experience for all of us.

My journey with COVID-19

Dr. Mirza Anas Ahmed (Central Jersey)

Briefly speaking it’s an experience that makes a spiritual person move nearer to the Almighty Allah his creator. As there is no definitive treatment for this condition, one wonders about the outcome. It is not clear if one would get better or get worse and end up in the hospital on a breathing machine. One worries about coma and end of life with no family members around. These horrible thoughts come to your mind everyday. In such dire situations where one could panic and lose all control, Allah the Almighty's words come to the rescue.

He says in the Holy Quran اَلَا بِذِکۡرِ اللّٰہِ تَطۡمَئِنُّ الۡقُلُوۡبُ "Aye! it is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort" (13:29). Allah the Almighty supports you when your temperature is reaching 103-104 degrees, your body is on fire and is hurting, you are perspiring profusely and your heart is racing. It helps you to say, O my Allah, I am ready for whatever you have planned for me. You pray to Him and request His mercy and forgiveness. I went through these emotions daily and kept praying to the Almighty. Eventually, He did have mercy on me and my temperature started subsiding and symptoms started to improve. Alhamdolillah.

As I was going through my illness, I took several steps to protect my family. I will share them with everyone as they may be helpful for others.

Precautions one should adopt for a family member who is sick with covid 19 virus:

  • Once symptoms develop, immediately go into quarantine and isolate from rest of the family members.
  • If possible use separate bathroom and bedroom.
  • Clean the room daily by yourself including door knobs, remote control, mobile phones, light switches, etc.
  • Place your dirty laundry in a separate bag and wash with warm water and soap.
  • Let your family place your food outside your door. Try to use disposable utensils.
  • Place your garbage in separate bags.
  • If you ever have to leave the room while you are still quarantined use gloves and mask and keep 6 feet distance from your house holds. Spouse and children need to follow the 6 feet rule as well.
  • Use breathing exercises many times a day and lie prone (on your stomach) to take deep breaths, as it will improve oxygenation.



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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
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