We are the Helpers of Allah. June 21, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 08  

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A lesson learned: Understanding the power of obedience to Khilafat

By Anonymous (Via Basit Khan, Zaim Ansarullah, Baltimore, MD Majlis)

It was about three weeks, before the annual Jalsa. My wife and daughter had been working hard for my daughter to complete the Holy Quran in time to perform the Ameen ceremony at Jalsa. Somehow, we overlooked the deadline to submit my daughter's name for her to be included among the many children. We had known about the deadline, but I wrote to the designated person asking if was possible for my daughter to be included anyway.

After a day or so when I had not received a response, I asked my local Sadr if he believed it was possible to have my daughter included. He indicated that he would inquire and get back to me. When he got back to me, he gently explained to me that he had indeed spoken with the sister organizing the program, but because he always insisted upon others following the systems of Jama’at, he did not press the issue with her beyond making it known that there was someone who was late.

His explanation made perfect sense. He also delivered the news with such empathy that I knew we were not being treated any differently than anybody else similarly situated. Still, for a brief moment I was a bit disappointed for my wife and daughter, since I had dropped the ball on the deadline. Then while still on the phone with my Sadr, I immediately remembered that it was no more than a couple of months prior that my Sadr’s own son did his Ameen ceremony in front of our local community. I assured my Sadr that I agreed that we were late and that his example with his own child was worthy to be emulated. He apologized as if he had done something wrong. I conveyed his words and sentiments to my wife and daughter who also accepted without hesitation as the final verdict on the matter.

We didn't think about it again, and my wife and daughter continued with their efforts to finish the Quran. The following week Huzur (aba) gave a sermon on the role of office bearers. As Allah would have it, the sister in charge of arranging the Ameen ceremonies heard the sermon and perhaps understood Huzur (aba)'s words to mean that she should obey and discharge her duties to the highest standards. I was later told that immediately after the sermon, my Sadr got a call from her. She told him, that in light of what Huzur (aba) said she believes that she should allow the latecomers to participate in the ceremony. She told my Sadr to advise the individual who had wanted to participate to go ahead and to register. My Sadr told me, and my family was delighted. Always mindful of signs and counting blessings, my Sadr also shared with me how the sister came to feel that way after Huzur (aba)’s sermon. I was very happy, and recounted it to my family for the miracle that it was.

Unbeknownst to me, my Sadr then took the opportunity to write a letter to Huzur (aba) explaining how I had obediently accepted the decision before Huzur (aba)’s sermon touched the organizer who then allowed my child to participate. I do not know how many days transpired before Huzur (aba) responded to my Sadr’s letter. It looked like maybe a week total. Clearly, my Sadr was faxing to Huzur (aba). My Sadr called and told me that he had something he wanted to share with me. He just said that he had received a letter from Huzur (aba) that was in Urdu, but he would translate a part of it for me to read. I was keen to read anything from Huzur (aba). I deduced it probably had something to do with Tabligh.

When he called me to tell me about the letter, I happened to be in our mosque with my daughter. He didn't tell me about any of its content but just sent it to me immediately via email and I checked it on my phone.

With my daughter standing right beside me, I read the letter and began to weep. My daughter didn't know what was the matter with me, but she wiped my tears until I could finish and compose myself and share it with her.

The translated part of the letter read:

"You have also written about an incident of an African-American brother__________________'s obedience. May Allah grant him the best reward for it. Convey my salaam and gratitude to him on such obedience of the system of Jama’at. Perhaps it was for his sake that Allah made me say those words.”

Wa Salaam, Mirza Masoor Ahmad
Khalifatul Masih al- Khamis."

I have thought over the incident many times and I'm always grateful to be a part of a divine system that circulates and affirms the connection with Allah on so many levels. I can see how one man can marshal millions on the straight path.

I copied and reduced the letter to the size of a credit card, laminated it and keep it in my wallet as a reminder of the blessings of Khilafat and my duty of obedience to it. It is through obedience that I may hope to realize untold blessings and, through obedience, to be a blessing to others. Inshallah.

Talim test I

National Talim test is now available, both in English and Urdu. The test is based on a topic which is coming up even more during the pandemic, the existence of God. The purpose is to encourage ansar to read the relevant books and watch the Q&A videos. Please take the test as soon as convenient (deadline is July 19, 2020) at this link.

Centennial day events summary from Austin, TX

Qamar Zafar (Zaim Majlis Ansarullah, Austin TX)

On Feb 15th, 1920 Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (ra) – a companion of Promised Messiah (as) set foot on US soil in Philadelphia and thus the foundation of Jama’at Ahmadiyya USA was laid. This year, the jama’at around the country has been celebrating the 100-year centennial. Austin Texas ansar also celebrated the day with much fervor.

The day started with Tahajjud prayers in Baitul-Muqeet mosque. After Fajr prayers, breakfast consisting of halwa, puree and chole prepared by Ansar was served. After a short break, Ansar and Khuddam headed to New Leaf Farm for community service at about 9 AM. At the farm, members helped with moving soil, harvesting and packaging of fruits and vegetables. For most of techie Ansar and Khuddam participating, this was a change of pace from sitting in front of a computer all day. The activity lasted 3+ hours. Everyone was exhausted by then and headed back.

Later in the day at 5 PM, there was a local program organized by Public Affairs department. The program consisted of recounting 100 years of history of Jama’at in USA. The presentation was painstakingly put together and was very informative. History of Jama’at in Austin, Texas as well as that of Auxiliaries followed the USA history presentation. This presentation was complete with anecdotal accounts as well as historical pictures of the evolution of local chapter from its humble beginnings in the mid-1980s to date.

After being full of activities and learning, the day came to a close at about 7 PM in the evening. Al-Hamdu Lillah, Jama’at Ahmadiyya USA with its auxiliaries is now well established and well set for conveying the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat to all corners of America and the world.


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