We are the Helpers of Allah. July 25, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 11  

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Dallas Ansar blood drive and COVID-19 testing

By Kamran Mirza (Muntazim Publications, Dallas Majlis)

Dallas Jamaat held its blood drive on the 21st of June 2020. Dallas Ansar played a big role in organizing and logisitics for the event. The event preparations started early in the month of June with scheduling the Red Cross team. Once we were able to get the time and date fixed with the Red Cross, we immediately designed the flyers. They were sent out electronically to the nearby communities including Allen and Plano. Later flyers were printed to be distributed in the hospital. Initially the target was about 50 people to be scheduled for blood donation, but the response was so good that we ended up adding another 35+ people on the registration.

The blood drive was also offering free Covid-19 testing for all the donors. Not only this event helped to achieve tabligh in the area but also it showed the community what Jamaat is doing for the city and people.

The day of the event, the weather was very beautiful allowing easy access to our mosque Bait-ul-Ikram. Even though there was construction, we were able to arrange safe and easy access to patrons. By the grace of Allah 61 blood units were collected.

Because of these events we all get a chance to be together and enjoy each other's company. Participating in activities, socializing and getting together is a great blessing of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. May Allah bless all who participated in this event and shower his blessing to all the volunteers and workers who make this a success (Ameen).

  • National Talim test deadline of July 31st is fast approaching. The test is available, both in English and Urdu. It is based on a topic which is coming up even more during the pandemic, the existence of God. The purpose is to encourage ansar to read the relevant books and watch the Q&A videos. Please take the test as soon as convenient at this link.

  • Majlis Ansarullah USA has organized a special Rishta Nata program on Friday August 7th at 7:30pm to 8:30pm EST. This program will be in Urdu and is especially geared for those Urdu speaking refugees and asylees who have recently settled in the USA. The zoom meeting information will be provided by your Zaim. Please click here to view the poster.

Time to rethink our priorities

Nasir Bukhari (Muntazim Publications, Detroit Majlis)

The current pandemic situation presents an opportunity to learn, discover and to reinvent our lives. It’s time to re-think our priorities and choices. The current situation may be unknown and uncertain; it has also provided a great opportunity to manage ourselves better. As we have adjusted with new norm over the past few months, we will have to continuously evaluate new avenues and methods to arrive and settle in our comfort zones. For example, I work in IT and my job function is project management. I have been directed by my employer that before you think of when to return to work in the office you must consider why. Which, if you think over the situation, is a very valid question. One that could make a huge difference for the health and safety of not just myself but of the people around me as well.

Ironically, when the pandemic hit, my employer was spinning off a pilot called, “Work from home”. The purpose of the project was to evaluate the risks and benefits of working remotely which at the time would have been a privilege. COVID-19 quickly turned it into a necessity. Such will be the nature of challenges we will have to overcome in the near and midterm future. For many individuals and groups, the new norm will probably not change. I have heard talk of workplaces being restructured to accommodate the bare minimum number of necessitated employees – and that with social distancing practices. Most office buildings will provide a hoteling concept where employees would be located temporarily rather than that being their permanent pod. Different? Certainly. Good different? That will probably be determined by the, “adaptability factor”, which, in some countries is used to award points for immigration eligibility. The quicker we can adjust to the situation, the better it will be for our careers and skillset.

Discipline is perhaps the key to the success of our futures. In the new work environment at home we have to be extra mindful to strike a good work life balance. We must draw a clear line in time as to where work starts and stops. Alongside wok, we must establish boundaries and avail this great opportunity to spend time with our families. Let’s face it, most of us have prioritized work over family for many years. Here we have been blessed by Allah Ta’ala with a great opportunity to make up for all those times. This is the time to reconnect and mend the relationships which we never had the time to give due importance to in the past. It’s time to be grateful to our Creator and reap the benefit of this opportunity. It’s time to adopt wholesome habits of praying together, eating together and communicating with each other via a non-digital medium. It is indeed time for self-development, spiritually and secularly.

We all pray that Allah may grant us a way out of this pandemic and keep us all safe and sound. We also pray that Allah may grant us the wisdom to make use of this opportunity to increase our concentration in prayers and to develop, reconnect and capitalize on this great chance that Allah has provided to us (Ameen).


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   ♦ Sadr Majlis
   ♦ Editor

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Majlis Ansarullah USA is an auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, USA,