We are the Helpers of Allah. July 30, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 12  

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Eid Mubarak

By Imran Hayee (Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah USA)

Dear Brothers, Assalamo Alaikum,

I want to wish you and your family a very happy Eid Mubarak. May Allah Ta’ala make this Eid a true blessing for all of us and may He continue to shower His Choicest bounties upon you and your family, Ameen.

Just like the last Eid, we won’t be able to celebrate this Eid by gathering in our Mosques or visiting each other’s homes to meet and greet our loved ones. But we can still celebrate the true essence of the Eid, which is “happiness through sacrifice”. In fact, sacrifice makes you truly happy because it allows you to share your happiness with others, multiplying your own happiness in return.

Let me share a story of a little kid from the times of the Holy Prophet (saws) which I heard when I was young myself.

It was Eid day. There was an air of festivity in Madina. All the people were dressed in their best clothes and gathered in an open space. The Holy Prophet (saws) arrived and led the prayers. After the prayers, they greeted each other and returned to their homes to share the joy with their loved ones. As the Prophet (saws) walked back home, he spotted a little boy sitting by himself, and looking very sad.

The Holy Prophet (saws) bent down, patted him on the shoulders and asked 'why are you crying?' 'Please leave me alone' sobbed the little boy. The Holy Prophet (saws) ran his fingers through the boy's hair and very gently asked him again why he was crying? This time the boy said, 'My father was martyred fighting, and now my mother has remarried and my stepfather does not want me to live at home any more. Today is Eid and everyone is happy. All the children have new clothes and nice things to eat, but I have nothing.’

The Holy Prophet (saws) said to him, 'I know how you feel.’ The boy was surprised to hear that and when he looked up to his great surprise, it was the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws), himself. Then the Prophet (saws) said to him 'If I were to become your father and Ayesha your mother, and Fatima your sister, would that make you feel better?' The boy started smiling and the Holy Prophet (saws) took him home and gave him new clothes and good food.

Not only did the boy indeed have a wonderful Eid that day but the Holy Prophet (saws) showed us the true path of achieving happiness by sharing it.

The name of this little kid was Zuhair Bin Saghir (ra)

To celebrate the true essence of this Eid, we all need to look for a Zuhair Bin Saghir, though they may not always be as easily spotted as a sad little boy sitting on the side of the road, rather they will come in many forms. Sometimes near and sometimes far. Sometimes a man and sometimes a woman. Sometimes old and sometimes young. They could be among friends or foes.

There are many Zahair Bin Saghirs scattered around us. They might be hidden from your eyes but could be around the corner or a phone call away.

Who is your Zuhair Bin Saghir?

Once you find them, you know what you can do to celebrate the true essence of Eid - experience happiness - by sharing it.

May Allah Ta’ala open our eyes and ears to find our Zuhair Bin Saghir and help us realize our true obligations towards Allah Ta’ala and His creatures, Ameen.

With love and prayers,



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