We are the Helpers of Allah. September 02, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 14  

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The Power of Khalifatul-Masih’s Prayers

Dr. Agha Shahid Khan (Baltimore Majlis)

For Ahmadis in the U.S., 2018 was a busy year. It was especially busy for those chapters which our beloved Khalifa (aba) was planning to visit. Baltimore Majlis, where Bait-us-Samad had recently completed its renovation, was one of those blessed few communities that would be honored with a Masjid inauguration ceremony. Many activities were taking place daily, from Waqar-e-Amal to planning meetings, to ensure that Huzur’s visit would be one to remember for generations to come.

On the Thursday before Huzur arrived at Bait-us-Samad, I was at Sinai Hospital in downtown Baltimore performing a complicated spine surgery on a young woman who was otherwise fairly healthy. Everything went well with the surgery, and I was getting ready to leave the hospital to go to the Masjid. Huzur (aba) was expected to arrive in Baltimore on Saturday; I was anxious to assist with the flurry of preparations for our Khalifa’s arrival. Suddenly, my physician’s assistant called me. My patient had awakened, my PA informed me, and she was completely unable to move or feel her legs. I was shocked and devastated to receive news of the unexpected complication. For a surgeon, this is the worst thing that can happen. I was in a complete state of disbelief.

I spent hours offering heartfelt prayers for my patient, but I also felt it was critical to get a request to Huzur for prayer. I was able to persuade Assistant National General Secretary sahib, to send my letter to Huzur’s Private Secretary sahib. He was kind enough to do that. On Saturday, I went to Bait-us-Samad in a daze, disheartened by the realization that my patient was almost certainly paralyzed for life. I started to help at the Masjid, hanging banners around the walls, when I received a call from my PA stating that the patient had fully recovered. Not only could she move her legs, my PA told me, but she was able to stand and walk. When I had examined the patient, she was unable to manage any of those things. My heart and soul lit up with gratitude to Allah for the blessings He has granted our Jama’at through the institution of Khilafat.

Her recovery, I am certain, was nothing short of a miracle. Today, the lady is doing well. In fact, she just came back from Pakistan after marrying her son away. Alhamdolillah. Indeed, her health today has nothing to do with my own training or skill; it is all due to Allah and the power of our beloved Khalifa’s prayers.

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