We are the Helpers of Allah. September 11, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 15  

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Passionate Bond of Brotherhood

By: Nasim Ahmad (Austin, TX Majlis)

One of the signs of the truth of Masih and Mahdi as prophesied by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is that he will have a “Jama'at”. We see this prophecy fulfilled in our lives. There is no other Jama'at whose members demonstrate the level of nearness to the Khalifatul Masih and among themselves. Ahmadis demonstrate this trait daily in following the instructions of the Khalifatul Masih (atba). I have experienced it numerous times through traveling various countries around the world. Regardless of where I went, including the most remote places on earth, I found Ahmadis spreading the message of Islam, with the Jama'at’s guidance and blessings of Allah.

In 1990, I had a chance to go to Dunedin in the south of New Zealand. At the University of Dunedin, I was to present at the International Conference on Teaching Statistics. There were two of us representing Africa – myself from Gambia, and another presenter from Kenya.

As I was roaming around the campus corridors and glancing at the bulletin boards, I came across a post on a notice board. The contact details appeared to be someone of Pakistani origin. Since I had little else to do that evening, I called the number and introduced myself as a fellow Pakistani; the gentleman spoke gracefully and invited me to have dinner at his home.

It crossed my mind that he might be an Ahmadi. I accepted his invitation and he later picked me up for dinner. We had an excellent dinner. I introduced myself and mentioned that I was educated in Rabwah, Pakistan. On hearing this I saw his face light up with joy and he embraced me with immense delight, as he was from Rabwah as well. The level of mutual happiness was so intense and pure that it cannot be described in words. It seemed as if we were lost brothers who have met accidentally.

And He has put affection between their hearts (Holy Quran Chapter 8, verse 64)

As we were discussing different matters and enjoying each other’s company, my host mentioned that there isn’t a Jama'at in Dunedin and that the nearest one is in Christchurch. However, there was an Ahmadi from Jamaica taking a dentistry course nearby. Every Sunday, both of them went out to do volunteer work and clean up a small clinic nearby in order to establish contact with community. He asked if I was available to join them. It goes without saying that no matter where the Ahmadis are, we remain focused on spreading the message. This is the spirit that distinguishes us from others and keeps our bonds strong i.e. the bonds of Ahmadiyyat.

Islamic teaching of sharing with our neighbors

By: Adil Syed (Chicago, IL Majlis)

On this Eid Al-Adha, my family and I wanted to do something different. And seeking help from Allah, finally we decided to distribute food and dessert to our immediate neighbors. My wife and I brainstormed and decided to distribute Hyderabadi Dum Goat Biryani. This way we could represent our culture and authentic food from Hyderabad.

We rolled up our sleeves and prepared food for 54 families living in our neighborhood. We celebrated Eid on Friday, but our preparations for the food started on Thursday.

My wife, our younger son, and I made 2 boxes for each household and finally began knocking on doors. We must have knocked on over 200 doors before we ran out of food boxes. Some people didn’t open their door even though we heard people inside, but we were not disheartened and continued knocking on doors around the neighborhood.

Our approach was first to introduce ourselves and to wish them Eid Mubarak, explaining the importance of sharing our blessings with neighbors in Islam. I explained the combination of Hyderabadi Dum Biryani and a popular Arabian dessert (baklava), as well as elaborated upon how Islam is a universal religion which encourages treating your neighbors with empathy and respect.

Some of the interactions are worth mentioning:

  • Most neighbors were happily surprised to see us on their doorstep with food on the day of our Eid festival.
  • Two white American families asked how much they must pay for the food. We told them we are here to share, and it doesn’t cost anything.
  • A few Indian Hindu families took my wife’s phone number and told her she can come to their house anytime she would like.
  • One Russian family appreciated our effort and the same evening she visited our door with three different gifts. She told us that they have been in this neighborhood for the last nineteen years and no one ever knocked at their door with food to share.
  • Two white Americans saw us the next day and told us they had never had such tasty food and that they loved the biryani.
  • One African American family was very happy, and said “You have honored us, Thank you!”
  • One old white lady asked our name and that we repeat them many times so that she can remember them.
  • One Palestinian Muslim family appreciated our efforts and prayed for us because we are representing real Islam and gifted my wife a scarf.

These are just few of the many happy unforgettable moments we experienced in this blessed Eid. We are honored that we belong to Jama'at Ahmadiyya Muslima.


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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
   ♦  Editor

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