We are the Helpers of Allah. October 7, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 16  

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A volunteer's account of social service during COVID-19

By Zaman Mohammad (Zaim Queens, NY Majlis)

COVID-19 has devastated the world since its beginning. It has forced people off the roads, away from the workplace, and changed their daily routine entirely. The media is full of terrifying news about its spread and its impact on human lives and economy at large.

Amidst this frightening time, a group of twelve Ansar in Queens NY majlis decided to dedicate their time to serve their neighborhoods, in collaboration with Humanity First organization. They volunteered on a regular basis, six days a week between mid-March till end of July.

They collected data from local jama’at membership as well. They regularly checked with the members to see if they needed food, medicine, or any other necessary items. As a Zaim, I called members and received calls from them as well if they needed help or even if their Non-Ahmadi friends or coworkers needed help. When our volunteers delivered food to the neighborhood homes, they often found them too scared to come out. When I was on delivery volunteer duty, I witnessed fear and stress on people’s faces. They would ask us to leave the food by the door. Some asked if there was more food for the next day available, worrying if the service would be discontinued. The appreciated how our volunteers came to their help and served whoever was in need of these supplies.

My heartfelt prayers for those members who volunteered in this very difficult time. May Allah reward them abundantly. I had a great experience serving our neighborhoods and felt blessed to have the opportunity. May Allah be our helper (Ameen).

Allah helps those who help others

By Pervaiz Khan (Detroit, MI Majlis)

As a volunteer of Humanity First USA, I visited Liberia, West Africa a few years ago, and a series of events took place that I would like to narrate to show how divine help comes to those who strive in Allah's path.

I was waiting for my flight to take off from Monrovia's airport, when an elderly person sitting next to me on the plane engaged me in conversation. His name was Simon and he had a PhD in Sociology, served as a priest and managed two churches, one in Washington DC and the other in Liberia. I told him I was an IT professional, lived in Detroit and volunteered for a humanitarian organization called Humanity First. I also introduced him to our Jamaat in some detail and about Jamaat's humanitarian projects in West Africa and rest of the world.

Our flight time was about eleven hours, so we had a lot of time at our hands. I informed him that upon the request of Liberian government, I had come to Monrovia to work towards establishing a Polytechnic institute offering vocational courses.  The priest asked me about my other activities in Monrovia and I said I visited five high schools in the city and all those institutions needed basic textbooks badly. He asked me what my plan in that regard was. I said I was planning to collect books through Humanity First to send here but it would take some time. The priest smiled and said " Son, it seems as if God has arranged for us to sit together today. You need schoolbooks and I have a shipping container full of such books right now at Monrovia to be unloaded. We collected those books going door to door in the streets of Washington DC. I could not distribute them because my staff in Monrovia are not honest and I was afraid they would sell those books to make easy money. Upon talking to you, I have realized that your organization has what it takes to distribute them to the deserving people.  I would gladly hand over those books to you, but you need to come visit my church in Washington DC once.

Upon my arrival, I narrated all about this meeting to Munum Naeem sahib (Naib Amir USA and Chairman Humanity First USA). He was delighted to hear this. Next Sunday, Mahmood Qureshi sahib (Managing Director Humanity First USA), and I went to meet that priest at his church and met his parishioners as well who collected the books with a lot of effort and thanked them for their generosity. Mahmood Qureshi sahib said that those were the unusual moments of God's help. The priest, as he promised, facilitated our access to those books in Monrovia. As we got the books, the very next day, Dr Abdul Halim Arain sahib (In-charge Humanity First Liberia) and his volunteers started distributing them to the five schools. In this way Allah almighty made this plan to serve humanity succeed through the collaboration of two humanitarian organizations. Alhamdolillah!


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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
   ♦  Editor

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