We are the Helpers of Allah. November 26, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 18  

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Remembering Dear brother Ahmad Lateef of Baltimore Majlis

By Basit Khan (Zaim, Baltimore MD Majlis)

Brother Ahmad Lateef, one of Baltimore Majlis’ oldest members passed away on August 23, 2020. To Allah we belong and to Him we return. He joined the Baltimore Jama’at in the mid 60s and remained here till his death. As long as his health permitted, he remained active and served the jama’at in various capacities. In 2012 when Huzoor Anwar (may Allah strengthen his hand) came to Baltimore, Brother Lateef, along with a few other veteran members had the unique honor of answering Huzoor’s questions about the early history of Ahmadiyyat in Baltimore. 

Here are excerpts from how his two daughters described his life, which contains many lessons and food for thought for all of us.

His daughter Sedette Latta writes:

Ahmad Lateef was born 3/15/31 in Winnsboro, South Carolina to Samuel and Alberta Latta.  He met and married Alene McAllister in 1951. From that union he had 4 children, 3 girls and 1 boy. He was preceded in death by her and raised all 4 of their children together. He raised his children in the Muslim way of life.

In 1953 he was called by Allah to spend his life as Muslim. He was involved in many things in the mosque, such as helping the poor and even opening his home to those who were homeless. He worked and retired after 30 years from General Motors. He always taught his children to be loving and giving to those less fortunate than them as well as the true meaning to being family.

Unfortunately, he was not able to make it to Mecca before his death as he wanted to go for his 90th birthday but Allah called him home before he accomplished that.

His elder daughter Faye Latta writes: 

My grandfather left the family when my father was an infant and mother brought him up with all love and compassion, which at times he would take advantage of. However, it was Islam which showed him self-discipline. Allah recognized him and made him join the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. He always observed the month of Ramadan which would improve his character. He never wanted to fall out of the favor of Allah.

He never answered the door or telephone without the Islamic greeting. “Assalamu alaikum’. He wouldn’t miss the opportunity to explain what it means. Being a Muslim in 1950’s made him feel entitled to respect. So he walked with dignity, saying all the time “Alhamdulillah” - All Praise belong to Allah and ‘InshaAllah”-If it be the will of almighty God Allah. He never ate pork or prayed without performing ablution. He took the slogan “Love for all, hatred for none” seriously and practiced it. 

Through Majlis Ansarullah USA, guidance and support was provided to the bereaved family with regards to all aspects of Muslim burial. May Allah Ta’ala grant higher station to the soul of our departed brother and bring his progeny to the fold of Islam-Ahmadiyya.

Service to humanity

By Ajaz Nasir (Muntazim Tajnid, NY Queens Majlis)

We are blessed to have social service as a key pillar of our faith and community values. As part of the New York Majlis, I was blessed to be part of the Ansar team that took upon itself to assemble and deliver food packages to elderly neighbors in our area. This activity was conducted under the Humanity First umbrella.

I was assigned twelve households, with a diverse ethnicity, to deliver food on several days. I noticed that they waited near their doors when they were expecting delivery from me. I felt satisfied, humbled, and fortunate to have been able to provide this service and help these people. May Allah help us get over this pandemic and bless all the volunteers who think beyond themselves and step up to help others in need (Ameen).


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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
   ♦  Editor

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