We are the Helpers of Allah. December 31, 2020  
Vol. 7, No. 20  

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A message from Sadr Majlis Ansarullah USA

Imran Hayee (Sadr Majlis Ansarullah USA)

Dear Brothers, Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah,

Tonight, we enter this new year with the hope that it will be better than the year we are leaving behind. In this moment of transition, my thoughts repeatedly drift to these soothing verses of the Holy Quran.

Surely there is ease after hardship. Aye, surely, there is ease after hardship. [94:6-7]

I am sure that we have all experienced the comfort promised in these divine words at some point in our lives. At this particular juncture of time, however, the warmth of hope promised in these verses penetrates every living soul and touches every heart. Still, the journey from hardship to ease, is neither automatic nor guaranteed. In order to see the light of hope at the end of the tunnel and successfully complete this journey, we must not only prepare our bodies and advance our minds but also transform our hearts and souls.

The majority of our world is looking solely to the great achievement of the Covid-19 vaccine and its large-scale distribution for hope in 2021. Although there is no doubt that science has significantly contributed towards remarkable improvement in the quality of human life for many centuries, as followers of the Imam of the time, our hope is not reliant on science alone. From time to time, humanity is faced with unprecedented hardship, providing mankind with a warning and the opportunity to not only make scientific advancements, but also spiritual ones by realigning our lifestyles to attain pleasure of our Creator and true, everlasting peace.

Since the beginning of this pandemic, Huzur(aba) has advised us all to take heed of our Creator’s warnings and transform our lives according to the decree of Allah as outlined in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran is a true manifesto for all of mankind providing guidance that we must use, first and foremost, to improve as individuals. Only then can we become a guide and a true example for our fellow human beings who might not be fully aware of the underlying divine warning behind this pandemic.

To enjoy the everlasting “ease” ahead of us in 2021, we must endure the “hardship” of 2020 and its remnants by slowly but surely cleansing our souls and aligning our actions according to divine decree regardless of how hard the worldly pull may try to convince us otherwise.

Chronologically, 2020 is behind us but its lesson of resilience will forever remain as a reminder of the unique opportunities it offered; to thoroughly introspect and reform ourselves not only as individuals but as families, nations and humanity at large.

My dear brothers, let’s continue to look at 2021 as a year of hope, but for all the right reasons and let’s keep learning from 2020 in our strides to become better day by day!

With this in mind, I wish you and your families a very happy new year. May Allah Ta’ala keep us all in His Protection and make 2021 a year of true hope and peace which lasts until the hereafter and beyond. Ameen.

With love and prayers,

Imran Hayee
humbly serving, Majlis Ansarullah USA


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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
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