We are the Helpers of Allah. February 6, 2021  
Vol. 8, No. 2  

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The Divine Attribute of Ashaafi, The Healer

By Qamar Zafar (Qaid, Ithar, National Majlis Ansarullah)

Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quran

And We are gradually revealing of the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers.
(Bani Isra’il, verse 83)

As we continue to receive the good news, alhamdolillah! of vaccinations for Coronavirus having been developed and being distributed nationwide, let us ponder over the divine attribute of Ashaafi, The Healer.

While Allah has guided us to employ cures and medicines to heal sickness and disease, it is this divine attribute that is ultimately responsible for restoring our health. As Huzur (May Allah be his helper) explained:

In modern day, man has made great progress in the field of medicine and medical technology, but it is due to the intelligence that God has bestowed upon man as a favor to him that he is able to make such advancement. A true believer always turns only to Allah for healing. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said to a physician: “You are only a soother to your patient. Its physician is He Who has created him, that is, Allah.”

Dec 19th, 2008 Friday sermon summary

As Ahmadi Muslims, we utilize the resources while realizing that these efforts are in vain unless Allah causes them to bear fruit. And therefore we “should realize that He is the central beam of all your plans. If this beam should fall, can the rafters continue to support the roof?” in the words of the Promised Messiah (AS) as mentioned in the Noah’s Ark.

Huzur (atba) continued:

The most important thing to remember is that illness and disease come from God, and so does health and healing come only from God, so one should prostrate before Him and beg for His Mercy and implore His divine Help and believe firmly in His attribute of Ashaafi and then remain pleased with His Will. May Allah accept our prayers in favor of our loved ones and grant health to all,
Dec 19th, 2008 Friday sermon summary

With regards to Coronavirus pandemic, Huzur (atba) guided us last year: To please Allah, it is essential that one takes care of His creation and most importantly, beseech Allah the Almighty’s mercy for their own sake and for the sake of mankind.” 

May Allah give our Huzur (atba) a long and healthy life and allow us to benefit from his guidance in all matters, Ameen.

Remembering Tahir Ahmad Minhas Sahib of Los Angeles

By Fawad Khan (Zaim Los Angeles, CA Majlis)

It saddens us to share the news of the demise of Tahir Ahmad Minhas Sahib.

Respected Tahir Minhas Sahib was 72 years old. He passed away due to heart failure. He leaves behind his beloved wife, Rashdah Minhas Sahiba, two sons, Shahid and Sajid Minhas, and daughter, Rabia Minhas Sahiba. He lived in Baitul Hameed Halqa (Chino). 

His family shared a brief glimpse into his life and his attitude towards life.

He taught us to love life, to embrace ALL of life, to laugh, to play. He was more than a father to us; he was our friend. He lost his dad when he was 12. He was the eldest of 6 children and carried out his responsibilities as the eldest child and brother. Everyone who knew him loved him. He was kind. He was generous. He had a clean pure heart.

Our father was a soldier and military man in Pakistan. Even though we immigrated to the United States in 1981, he soldiered on. He soldiered on when he hurt his back during hurricane Alisha in 1982. His boss told him to go into work and fighting hurricane winds, he hurt himself, but as a new immigrant he didn’t know his rights and continued to work with an injured back. He soldiered on when his ulcers ruptured in 1991 and he nearly died from loss of blood. He soldiered on when he discovered he had Parkinson’s 30 years ago. He soldiered on when his health started deteriorating 6 years ago at a rapid rate. He soldiered on when he became very sick last year and went into the hospital walking and came out not being able to walk or breathe on his own. He was in so much pain for the last year but never complained. He got better though. However, right after his birthday on December 12th, he got sick again.

He found moments of joy and laughter in most of his days through family and friends. On January 18th he fought with his last breath and suffered cardiac arrest. We wish him peace. For those who truly knew him, they loved him, and for those who did not, we hope this gives you a window into the kind of man Tahir Ahmad Minhas was. We would appreciate prayers for our father so that he may rest in the highest place in heaven. Ameen.


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