We are the Helpers of Allah. March 28, 2021  
Vol. 8, No. 5  

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The Truth of Promised Messiah (as)

By Pervaiz Khan (Detroit, MI Majlis), Translated by Nasir Bukhari

As Ahmadis, we see a plethora of evidence of the truth of the Promised Messiah (as). We come across many events in our lives which remind us of his truthfulness. One such event took place when I was around 19 years of age and was attending Government College in Lahore, Pakistan. This was the era of Zia ul Haq presidency and every college student was required to take a course in Islamic Studies and History of Pakistan as part of the curriculum. There were upwards of 150 students in my Bachelor of Science class in college. One day in class the professor of Islamic Studies gave us an assignment in which we had to submit an essay on any aspect of Seerat un Nabi (saw). This professor was a renowned name in the education sector of Pakistan. He was popularly known as, "Professor Islahi" or "Professor of Discipline" and was also a member of the Islamic Ideological Council of Pakistan.

After class I went home and thought about the topic and penned an article titled, "Ishq e Rasool" or "Love of the Holy Prophet (saw)". For an Ahmadi this topic is fairly easy as this is a subject which is, “in our DNA”. The essay I wrote was indeed an essence of all of my speeches that I had delivered as a tifl and khadim during Ijtima'at while growing up in Pakistan. In my essay I had quoted close to 10 couplets of Promised Messiah (as).

Long story short, all 150+ students submitted their essays by the deadline. After about a week my professor entered the class with the graded essays and while glancing across the classroom announced, "Pervaiz Khan's essay has scored the highest marks and receives first position". I had always been an average student in class, and this was my first position in anything during the entire 2 years in college. He then announced the 2nd and 3rd position students and asked me specifically to stay after class to meet with him. When the class was over, I nervously approached the professor. The professor expressed admiration and praise for the essay once again and asked me about the couplets I had included in the essay. "Who's poetry is this?", he inquired. Without hesitation I replied, "They were written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as)". The professor was shocked by my reply and was very silent after that. He didn't look up, nor spoke and I quietly left the room smiling.

A sorrowful day in Baltimore – Remembering Alhaj Fateh Aina

By Basit Khan (Zaim, Baltimore, MD Majlis)

It is sad to share that a pioneer member of the Baltimore Jama’at, Brother Alhaj Fateh Aina passed away on the morning of February 24, 2021 at his home in Baltimore, Maryland. Inna lillahe wa Inna ilaihe rajeoon.

Brother Fateh Aina served Baltimore Jama’at in different capacities including as the President of the Jama’at in the late 1970s. His wife and now two sons and two grandsons survive him. One of his three sons, Zahir Aina, suddenly passed away exactly two weeks before his father.

Innumerable things can be shared for this humble and devout Ahmadi brother who was a fatherly figure to the entire Baltimore Jama’at, especially Nigerian immigrant families.

Here is what our Local Finance Secretary, Abdul Rashid Fouzi Sahib, wrote about Brother Fateh Aina: “I joined Baltimore Jama’at in October 1990 when I moved from Sierra Leone. I met Br. Aina and had the opportunity of closely observing him. He was a faithful and loyal devotee of the Promised Messiah (as). By the Grace of Allah the Almighty, he was very punctual in his five daily prayers. He was very regular in fasting every Thursday without fail.”

He was like a caretaker of the center. He was quiet but very loving and caring to the members of the Jama’at. During my 30 years of relationship, I never heard any complaint from him. If he did not like anything, he would just keep quiet but would not say anything against Jama’at or Jama’at members. For the past number of years, we used to see each other for Fajr, Maghrib and Isha prayers regularly until the closure of the salat center.”

I have been the financial secretary of the Jama’at for over 20 years. He always kept to his pledge and was never late to be reminded. He used to pay his Chanda after every 3 months. Last year I asked Br Aina if he could pay on a monthly basis. He said no problem. After that, in every circumstance, he would give me the check on the due date. During COVID-19 pandemic, I was receiving his Chanda check by mail. His last check was written on February 21, 2021 and I received it by mail on February 24, the day he passed away.”

Born in Lagos, Nigeria, he was one of eight children. His brother, Br. Waliu Aina writes about him:

“A wonderful, loving and caring father, uncle, brother and neighbor that will be missed by all. He was one of the most influential persons in my life right from my early years. To me, he doubles as a brother and as a father. I started my early years in school in the 60’s living with him, then a young, vibrant and hardworking banker working with Chase Manhattan Bank, one of the most prominent banks in Nigeria at the time. Coming to the U.S., he was again here not only for me but also for the whole family in diaspora. As a devoted Muslim, he showed the beauty of Ahmadiyyat to family and friends by way of his practices and interactions with people around him. May the Almighty Allah grant him Jannatul Firdaus. He migrated to the US in 1969 and he got married to his wife Haleema here a few years later”.

His son Hamid writes that, living so close to masjid, he would always be the first one to get there early on. During winter, as the mosque was always cold and someone had to turn on the heat physically, he would say, “I am going to turn on the heat at the mosque” so by the time members arrived for Jumma, the mosque was warm and toasty for all. Sometimes members would call when they could not get in the mosque, or they would come to his house to get the key.

May Allah the Almighty accept all his sacrifices, have mercy on him, grant him an elevated place in Jannatul Firdaus, keep his progeny connected to Islam Ahmadiyyat, and enable the family and Jama’at to bear the great loss. Ameen.


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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
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