We are the Helpers of Allah. April 14, 2021  
Vol. 8, No. 6  

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Ramadhan Mubarak- Daily Quran Challenge

By Imran Hayee (Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, USA)

My dear brothers, Assalamo Alaikum.

I want to wish you and your families a very blessed Ramadhan. May Allah bring abundance of blessings in the lives of you and your family during this Ramadhan. Ameen.

I would also like to share an initiative by Majlis Ansarullah. The department of Talimul Quran has initiated a daily Holy Quran challenge during this Ramadhan for the benefit of all. Everyday two multiple-choice questions will be shared at fixed times inshAllah. Anyone can answer the questions at the time of his or her convenience using either their smartphones or computers. Right after answering the question, the correct answer will be provided along with the necessary explanation.

I would like to emphasize that it’s not a competition and neither will the answers - right or wrong - be recorded anywhere. It is designed with the sole intention of providing a self-learning and rewarding experience for all participants. Participation is completely optional and requires only a couple of minutes of your time commitment to participate. Anyone who will participate, will end up either learning something new or reviving his or her insight of the Holy Quran, inshAllah.

Please share this with all your family members for their benefit.  Anyone with the smartphone can scan the QR code in the flyer to see the questions of the daily Holy Quran challenge.

Jazakallah Ahsanal Jaza.

With love and prayers.

Virtual meetings during COVID-19 a blessing

By Nadim Malik (Queens, NY Majlis)

It is hard to believe that over a year has passed since the Covid outbreak in the US. For some of us whose jobs and health weren’t impacted, there were only some minor inconveniences we had to face, while for others there have been serious financial hardships and devastating loss of health and life. I know there are people in our own Jama’at who have lost their jobs, lost loved ones, and perhaps struggling. 

An expression you often hear these days when it comes to Covid is that “there’s light at the end of the tunnel”. I would prefer to say that Allah’s light and signs have been abundant throughout this process. While I miss going to the Mosque and seeing fellow Jama’at members, my family has been able to do Jumma together every week and offer congregational prayers more regularly than in the past, since we’ve all been home so much.

Also, virtual meetings have made connecting for monthly meetings and other Jama’at functions much more convenient for those who live far away from a Mosque. Given the circumstances, my children have gotten into the habit of watching more MTA videos such as “This week with Huzur”, Friday night Dars and trivia competition, and participating in Jama’at functions such as Masih-e-Maud day from the convenience of our living rooms. Because the frequency of connections has increased through technology, I feel more connected to the Jama’at and God over the last year, and not less.

Last year has brought my family closer together and increased our spirituality in unique ways that wouldn’t have occurred under normal circumstances. However we can't wait to have the Mosques open in person so we can populate the houses of Allah again. 


Send us your stories of brotherhood, Ijtima memories, or any other inspiring experience that we can share with Ansar brothers via this e-newsletter.

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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
   ♦  Editor

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