We are the Helpers of Allah. June 26, 2021  
Vol. 8, No. 9  

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Zikr Kher – Memories of My Late Father, Sofi Inayat Ullah Khan Sahib

By Riaz Zahid (Bay Point, CA Majlis)

I would like to take this opportunity to narrate some memories of my father, Sofi Inayat Ullah Khan Sahib, who was born in Gujrat, received basic education in his homeland, and then joined the Pakistan Navy. He regularly prayed and was blessed with many good qualities. I will mention some of them here.

My father had the opportunity to serve Hazrat Khaliftul Masih II (ra) when Huzur visited Karachi in 1953. My father was part of the security of Huzur and used to wear the Navy’s uniform. This was the time Hazarat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) was writing Tafseer of the Holy Quran. At that time, Huzur was also having some health problems, but he continued to meet people late into the night and any time he got in between was used in writing the Tafseer. My father once told me that Huzur used to walk from one wall to the other, after which he would sit on the other table and start writing over there. It looked as if God had guided him to write while walking between the tables.

My father’s routine consisted of offering obligatory prayers in the Mosque and the Sunnah at home. He would visit the cemetery after Fajr prayer to pray for his elders. He would return home after the Asr prayer. He also had a memorable relationship with Sir Zafarullah Khan Sahib (ra). Whenever Chaudhary Sahib visited Rabwah, my father travelled there to meet him.

My father was a private man who handled his hardships on his own. On July 16, 1989, when our house was burned by extremists and opposers of our faith, he carried himself with forbearance and strength. All our belongings were burnt to ashes and our entry into the village was revoked. We returned after one year to our house amidst a very difficult environment. This situation had deeply disturbed my father which caused his health to deteriorate. In 1990, he suffered from paralysis and in 1992, at the age of 72, he left this mortal world. May he find peace and paradise on account of his good character, habits, and steadfastness in face of hardships.

Ramadan Daily Quran Quiz

By Munir Malik (Qaid Taleem ul Quran, Majlis Ansarullah)

This year Majlis Ansarullah USA had started a new initiative known as “RAMADAN DAILY QURAN QUIZ” and two questions were posted daily in English and Urdu at given specific times to cover all 30 parts of Quran Kareem during the month of Ramadan. Alhamdolillah it worked very well and it has been a very interesting and exciting experience. Feedback and comments received in survey were very positive and encouraging to continue this practice.


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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
   ♦  Editor


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