We are the Helpers of Allah. July 16, 2021  
Vol. 8, No. 10  

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Allah does not delay His rewards

By Anonymous (via Zaim Baltimore, MD Majlis)

“Who is it that will lend Allah a goodly loan that He may multiply it for him manifold? And Allah receives and enlarges, and to Him shall you be made to return” (Chapter 2, Verse 246)

At one time, I owed the Jama’at a budgeted amount of $5,000 on my Hissa Aamad account. Although I had always intended to pay that amount, unfortunately I kept procrastinating for a few years. During those years, I had kept myself afloat by working odd jobs with minimal salary and used up my savings. Surprisingly, despite having experience and credentials, I could not get a dream job in my own profession. Many of my interviews and relevant exams went well, but I never landed a job. Again and again, towards the end of the process, I would receive a letter of regret rather than a job offer. This left me frustrated and disgruntled. It appeared as if some strange phenomenon was blocking my success whenever I would come close to the finish line. 

One morning with Allah’s grace, it occurred to me that come what may, I should pay my full dues and “lend Allah a goodly loan” without any further delay. That same day, I managed to make the full payment of $5,000. It hurt me a bit financially, but I felt happy in finally doing the right thing and I only prayed to Allah that my humble financial sacrifice may be accepted.  

Lo and behold, Allah showed a sign of His immense grace and providence to this humble servant. Although I never thought of or expected a return, Allah’s promise in the Quran to multiply the sums spent in His ways “manifold” started to manifest itself in a clear manner. Within three days of making my payment, I received a confirmed job offer, the likes of which had previously been denied. The monthly salary was $5,000 — exactly the amount I paid. Moreover, I worked with this company for six years — or 72 months. The hadith of returning one’s sacrifice by 70 times was amazingly fulfilled. My one-time $5,000 payment was returned to me 72 times. It in fact added to a total of $360,000 (that is, 72 months multiplied by $5,000 each month), along with all other benefits which come with a management job. Alhamdolillah, my kids were able to attend good schools, we bought a house, and all members of the family had comfortable means. I cannot count the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds. Our weaknesses may lead us to procrastinate in fulfilling our promises, but Allah never delays in fulfilling His divine promises.

Even the fare was paid

By Suleman Pasha (Oshkosh, WI majlis)

Before coming to the US, I lived in Karachi, Pakistan. I belonged to a lower middle class, with limited means. However, we never felt outside the mercy and blessing of Allah. There are countless examples from my life that proves that.

On one such occasion, we bought a small house with all our savings. We were excited to have moved to a better house and we were exhausted through the process as well. Finally, with the grace of Allah, the moving day came, and we shifted into our place. It was the rainy season and the very first night, it poured. We found out to our dismay that the roof leaked. Here we were excited about the new place and suddenly ended up sleepless because of the downpour. Someone could easily lose all faith in Allah at such a trial, but we stayed strong in our faith by the sheer mercy and blessings of Allah. We prayed to our Lord, that we have a leaking roof, and we have no savings left to fix it. It is in your power to relieve us from our suffering. We will however be content with what you have destined for us.

That night passed. Next day was Friday. I went to the mosque for Friday prayers. There was an announcement made after the Khutba. To my absolute surprise, it was about the roof the mosque. It was being replaced and they were looking for volunteers to take away the old sheets. I stepped out after the prayers and told the administration that I was interested in the old sheets. They gladly gave those away, as it meant clearing the old material without having to pay for its removal. I rented a rickshaw and brought the sheets to my house and got them installed. The rickshaw guy charged me 600 rupees for the fare. The following night, we slept in peace, saying Alhamdolillah on every turn.

The incident did not end here. The next day, I had to discard the old roof from my house. I found a buyer and was able to sell it all. When I counted the money, I fell on my knees in praise of Allah because it was exactly 600 rupees. My Allah gave me a roof without having to spend a single penny. He even returned the money spent on the fare. It was a sign that stayed with me to this day and reminded me of that merciful, most loving being every second of my life. May Allah enable all of us to be grateful to Him and stay in His path throughout our life (Ameen).


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   ♦  Sadr Majlis
   ♦  Editor

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