Quick Facts about U.S. Population

Zahid Mian, Los Angeles West

Here are some quick facts about U.S. population.

  • As of 12/31/2014 U.S. population: 320,087,963
  • 1 birth every 8 seconds
  • 1 death every 13 seconds
  • 1 international migrant (net) every 33 seconds
  • Overall, male to female ration is virtually 1:1 (slightly more females)
  • Per Capita income: $28,155
  • 14.5% of population lives in poverty (annual income of $23,850 for a family of four)

The following graphic (called Minaret Curve because it is shaped like a minaret) represents the population, as a percent of total population, of men and women. Men and women at age 40 represent 0.61% and 0.62% of the entire population, respectively. No surprise that the population declines precipitously after age 75. Did you notice that “bulge” from 50 to 65? That’s the Baby Boom generation. And now you know why it is called that.

The following graph depicts the U.S. marriage trend from 1960 to 2014. Note that the percent of those:

  • currently married declined steadily from 1960 (72%) to 2014 (50%).
  • that never married increased from 1960 (15%) to 2014 (24%)
  • currently divorced or separated increased from 1960 (5%) to 2014 (11%)
  • currently widowed declined from 1960 (9%) to 2014 (7%)

Source: census.gov and pewresearch.org