We are the Helpers of Allah. April 15, 2019  
Vol. 6, No. 8  

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Advice from Khalifatul-Masih - Part III

(Part III of the concluding address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at 2018 National Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK.

Drawing our attention towards the objective of our birth, the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) commenting about Wa Yuqeemun-assalaata (those who uphold the Prayers), states that Allah says that I have created men and Jinn so that they can recognize me and worship me. Therefore, based on this verse, the true purpose behind the birth of man is that man worships Allah and gains knowledge about Allah and becomes of Allah. Obviously, man does not have such stature that he sets his life’s goal with his own power. Neither is man born out of his own volition nor will he return of his own accord. But instead he is a creation and the One who has created and bestowed man with excellent and superior attributes as compared to other animals, has set an objective of life for him. He has created man as the best of creation—Ashraful-Makhluqat (noblest of all creation)—and also given a purpose. To spend life in pursuit of eating, drinking, sleeping and roaming around like animals, spending in worldly pursuit and then end it by dying is not the real objective. Whether one understands or not, the purpose of man’s creation without a doubt is to worship Allah, acquire knowledge about Allah and immerse wholly in Allah. This objective will only be achieved if one fulfills the rights of Allah’s worship by remembering Allah’s Rabubiyyat (Godliness).

At another occasion, the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) further explained that since human beings’ nature has been created for Allah’s sake. As Allah has said, “And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.” (The Holy Qur’an, 51 [Al-Dhariyat]:57) For this reason, Allah the Almighty has placed something for Himself in humans’ nature and in hidden ways provided the abilities for humans to seek knowledge about Him. It’s not that He asked humans to seek knowledge about Him but failed to equip humans with the ability to do so. He did bestow humans with the ability to know Him. Humans waste this ability due to their shortcomings or giving precedence to other pursuits. Allah the Almighty gave humans the ability to worship Him but they let these abilities go to waste by following animalistic tendencies of just eating, drinking, sleeping and distancing themselves from the blessings of Allah. They forget about their responsibility towards Allah and rights of worship and so Allah the Almighty does not let them partake from the blessings of Allah. This responsible life is achieved by believing what Allah has said in the aforementioned verse and adjusting life according to it.

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Commonly Used Arabic and Urdu Terms
Qa’id Publications
We use Arabic and Urdu terms on a daily basis in Jama'at related communication. We have all seen different variations of spellings of these terms. Following are the correct spellings of some commonly used terms, when using these terms without diacritical marks.

Alhamdulillah Muntazim
Ameen Muntazimin (plural of Muntazim)
Ameer Mu'awin Sadr
Amila Nazim A'la
Bai'at Nazimin (plural of Nazim)
Da'i Ilallah (caller to Allah) Na'ib
Da'in Ilallah (plural of Da'i Ilallah) Na'ib Sadr Awwal
Hadith Na'ib Sadr Saff Dom
Hazrat Qa'id
Huzoor Qa'idin (plural of Qa'id)
Ijtima Qur'an
Ijtima'at (plural Ijtima) Ramadan
Insha'allah Sadr
Isha'at (publication) Tabligh
Ithar [Eesaar] (welfare, social service) Tahajjud
Jama'at Tahrik Jadid
Jumu'ah Tajnid
Khalifatul-Masih Tarbiyat
Majlis Ta'lim
Majalis (plural of Majlis) Umumi
Masha'allah Waqf Jadid
Masih Mau'ud Wasiyyat
Muslih Mau'ud Za'im
Muhammad Zu'ama (plural of Za'im)

If you have any questions in this regard, please contact me at

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