This year's Ansar Leadership Conference (ALC) for Majlis Ansarullah USA was hosted by the Dallas Majlis on February 26 and 27 at Baitul Ikram Mosque. By the grace of Allah, despite inclement weather conditions, which caused flights to be delayed or cancelled, 49 Majalis were represented at the ALC and the total attendance, including Zo'ama and National Amila members, was 89.

The opening session commenced on Saturday morning with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the Pledge of Majlis Ansarullah led by respected Sadr Majlis, Imran Hayee Sahib. In his opening address, respected Sadr Sahib impressed upon Zo'ama the importance of "Taqwa" in their success as leaders of local Majalis. The session concluded with silent prayer.

Next, Zo'ama participated in a workshop titled "Enhancing Brotherhood." In this interactive session, led by a Khadim, Hassan Rafiq Sahib, Zo'ama learned about the importance of empathy, being respectful of opinions of others, and the value of challenging their own world view.

Zo'ama were then divided into four groups depending on whether they were newly elected Zo'ama, or belonged to small, medium or large Majalis. Each group had an opportunity to interact with various Qaideen and Naib Sadraan who shared their departmental plans, as well as detailed strategies on how to implement certain action items, in the following parallel workshops:

1. Monthly Meeting - A Majlis' Prime Program (by Qaid Tarbiyat and Naib Sadr Mansoor Qureshi Sahib)
2. Tajneed vs. Outreach - What and How? (by Qaid Tajnid, Qaid Ithar, and Muawin Sadr Rizwan Alladin Sahib)
3. Monthly Reporting and Communication (by Qaid Umumi and Naib Sadr Suhail Kausar Sahib)
4. All about AManaT (by Qaid Mal, Auditor, and Naib Sadr Zahid Mian Sahib)
5. Tarbiyat - What and How? (by Qaid Tarbiyat and Naib Sadr Zahid Mian Sahib)
6. Social Media Tabligh, Publications (by Qaid Tabligh, Qaid Publications, and Naib Sadr Mansoor Qureshi Sahib)
7. Health and Sports (by Qaid Health and Naib Sadr Hadi Ahmad Sahib)
8. Taleem is More than Two Tests (by Qaid Ta'lim, Qaid Ta'limul Qur'an, and Naib Sadr Dawood Munir Sahib)

The participants took a break for Salat and lunch. After the break, the Zo'ama came back together for a session titled "These are Departments with their Own Goals!" During this session, Qaid Waqf-e-Jadid, Qaid Tehrik-e-Jadid, and Qaid Tarbiyat Nau Muba'i'in highlighted their respective departmental goals and provided guidance to Zo'ama.

Next, in an interactive session titled "Learning from Experience," respected Sadr Sahib and respected Nazim-e-Ala, Mirza Anas Ahmad Sahib moderated a discussion during which Zo'ama asked questions to a panel—which comprised of three new and three experienced Zo'ama—on a range of topics related to their responsibilities.

The first day of ALC concluded with Maghreb and Isha prayers followed by dinner which afforded another opportunity for Zo'ama and National Amila members to strengthen their ties of brotherhood through informal discussions. Ansar from local Majalis (Dallas and Fort Worth) also joined the participants of ALC.

The next day, ALC proceedings started with Zo'ama meeting their respective Nazimeen-e-Ala to ask any questions of their regional counterparts. Afterwards, Zo'ama came back together for the closing session which started with the recitation of Holy Quran followed by a workshop titled "Solving Real Life Problems." In this interactive workshop, respected Muawin Sadr, Rizwan Alladin Sahib, presented various hypothetical challenges that a Za'im may face. Zo'ama were then given an opportunity to come up with possible solutions. This led to very interesting and informative discussions which highlighted the different approaches that Zo'ama may take, to solve the same problem, given their leadership style and the composition of their respective Majalis.

Next, Qaid Umumi, Mahfooz Sheikh Sahib, announced the names of the recipients of the "Dedicated Services Award" which are as follows:

• Munir Malik Sahib who served the Majlis as Qaid Ta'limul Qur'an from 2016-2021
• Mooda Shiraz Mantara who served the Majlis as Qaid Waqf-e-Jadid from 2016-2021
• Lamin Sanyang Sahib who served the Majlis as Qaid Tarbiyat in 2020 and as Muawin Sadr in 2021

Respected Sadr Sahib then presented Alam-e-Inami for the year 2021 which was awarded to Detroit Majlis. Barakallahulakum. The top three Majalis in each category (small, medium, large) as well as their Zo'ama were also announced, which are as follows:

• Small Majalis
1st: Oshkosh Majlis - Saad Mian Sahib
2nd: Syracuse Majlis - Badar Munir Ahmad Sahib
3rd: Fitchburg Majlis - Masood Ashraf Sahib
• Medium Majalis
1st: Detroit Majlis - Mahmood Qureshi Sahib
2nd: Bay Point Majlis - Muhammad Javed Khan Sahib
3rd: Boston Majlis - Muzaffar Chaudhry Sahib
• Large Majalis
1st: Los Angeles Majlis - Fawad Khan sahib
2nd: Dallas Majlis - Naseer Tahir sahib
3rd: New York Majlis - Mohammad Kamruz Zaman sahib

Afterwards, Murabbi-e-Silsila, Zaheer Bajwa Sahib, delivered a faith inspiring speech on the "Status of Khilafat" followed by concluding remarks by respected Sadr Sahib. The final session of the ALC concluded with the silent prayer followed by Zhur and Asr prayers and lunch.

This year's ALC was the second major "in-person" event organized by the Majlis since the pandemic started. (The first one was Majlis-e-Shura). Special considerations were given to ensure that participants felt comfortable attending the two-day event. All logistics were managed by the Dallas Majlis. Accommodations were arranged at homes and hotels. Transportation was provided from/to airports as well as from/to hotels to the mosque. Ziafat team handled all food arrangements starting from lunch on Friday to lunch on Sunday. All cooking was done by volunteers at the Mosque. May all bless the host Majlis and all the volunteers with his choicest blessings. Ameen.