
"And when books are spread abroad." (The Holy Qur' an, Ch: 81, Verse: 11)

National Department Goal

The goal of the Department of Publications, Majlis Ansarullah USA is to communicate various initiatives of the Majlis, announcements, Majlis' activities, experiences of members, literary articles, etc. to the membership on a regular basis. This includes publishing bi-weekly Ansar Connection (email newsletters), Publishing Al-Nahl (Annual year-in-review print publication), and maintaining Ansarullah USA website content up to date.

Online and print publications of Majlis Ansarullah USA

Useful Links

Social Media Links

Books Published by Majlis Ansarullah USA

Publication Department Contacts:

Iftikhar Ahmed
Qa'id Publications

Kamran Mirza
Naib Qa'id Publications (Al-Nahl)