“We are the helpers of Allah.”
This—straight out of the Holy Qur’an—is Majlis Ansarullah’s motto. And what good is talking about it without actually helping people? Therefore, Majlis Ansarullah has, for a number of years, served mankind generally, and our members specifically. Our goal is to please Allah; “We desire no reward nor thanks from you.” (The Holy Qur’an, chapter 76, verse 10)
We continue to make “services” a priority focus area for the Majlis. A list of our services is as follows:
Free Health Advice
Despite enactment of the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare), millions of Americans do not have health insurance. Majlis Ansarullah, USA has gathered a pool of volunteer doctors, willing to provide free medical advice and services for common illnesses. Our doctors, after evaluating you, will provide affordable treatments for chronic diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Learn more by clicking here or connect with a doctor by calling 716-800-1889.
Dr. Yusef Lateef Talent and Need Based Education Scholarship
Holy Prophet, Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "It is the duty of every Muslim to seek knowledge" (Sunan Ibn Majah) and enjoined on Muslims, both men and women, to acquire knowledge.
Our Khulafa have repeatedly emphasized the need of excelling in secular education in addition to being morally and spiritually strong. Huzur-e-Anwar (aba) recently advised students to “advance so much in every field of education that your minimum target becomes the Nobel prize.” We also understand that the cost of higher education is quite high and continues to rise. Therefore, Majlis Ansarullah USA has initiated these education scholarships for college students striving towards their Bachelor or Associate degree to motivate them to excel in their studies and help them complete their education. Majlis Ansarullah has dedicated a total budget of $100,000 for the academic year 2022-2023. This will be a yearly scholarship program, inshAllah. Learn more by clicking here
Majlis Ansarullah Self-Reliance Micro Loan Scheme (SMILE)
Majlis Ansarullah USA has launched Self-Reliance Micro Loan Scheme (SMILE) to help those Ansar who to start a small business or trade to be able to make a living. This loan scheme is in the spirit of Huzur’s (May Allah Ta’Allah be his Helper) directions to Majlis Ansarullah USA to help our members in general and refugees in particular to settle down and make a living by improving skills for a job or starting a small business or trade. This scheme is one of the initiatives of Ithar department. Click here to apply
Ansar Tahir Scholarship (Getting a Better Job)
In a changing marketplace, many of us have to retool ourselves in order to find and retain jobs that allow us to fulfill our obligations as responsible sons, husbands, and fathers. Ansar Tahir Scholarship is one such initiative where deserving members can get up to a maximum of $4,000 grant to improve their job prospects. Funds can be used towards paying for the training and/or tuition of educational and vocational courses. Since 2005, when this program was launched, more than $70,000 have been awarded to members in need. To learn more and download the application click here .
Need Help in Finding Entry Level Job
Call us at 716-800-1889.
Visit job help page
Rental Listing
Click to view latest rental listing
Financial Counselling Resources
- 10 Things You Absolutely Need To Know About Taxes
- Sample Will Forms - by Dawood Munir sahib
- The Importance of Having a Will - by Richard Bell
Feed the Hungry
Holy Qur’an repeatedly reminds us regarding feeding the hungry. Majlis Ansarullah’s signature program “Feed the Hungry” is operating in nearly ten Majalis. To learn more, contact us at services@ansarusa.org
Water Wells in Africa
Majlis Ansarullah, USA has teamed up with Humanity First in establishing water wells in Africa. Over the past five years, we have provided over $75,000 in financial aid, enabling scores of children with fresh drinking water. To support this effort, click here.
Friday Sermon Summaries
For years, Majlis Ansarullah, USA has been sharing English summaries of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s Friday sermons with members. Click here for the most recent Friday sermon.