Brother Hasan Abdullah
(1929 - 2015)
Brother Hasan Abdullah of Detroit Majlis passed away on January 30, 2015, Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji‘un ("Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.") [The Holy Qur’an, 2:157].
William Henry Warlick accepted the call of the Messiah delivered from the other side of the world in the 70s. He became Hasan Abdullah and remained devoted to his new faith till his last breath. He remained a key member of the Detroit Jama'at.
Brother Hasan Abdullah had many qualities and was a devoted Ahmadi Muslim. He loved the Holy Qur’an and would recite it regularly. He told one of the Jama'at members that he recited portions of Chapter Al-Kahaf daily. He was extremely regular in attending Jumu’ah Prayer. He used to call Adhan in a very beautiful way that the Jama’at members still remember. He would be the first one in the Mosque and would offer Nawafil (supererogatory Prayer) and recite the Holy Qur’an before anyone arrived. Once he was ill and admitted to the hospital. He was discharged on Friday. He told his son that he wanted to go to the mosque before going home. Upon his insistence, the son brought him to the mosque. He offered Jumu’ah Prayer and then went to his home. After the mosque in Detroit was burnt, he offered his house for Jumu’ah Prayers and members of the Jama’at used to gather at his house for Jumu’ah.
He was a recipient of the Lifelong Service Award of Majlis Ansarullah, USA. He remained dedicated to the service of Islam and humanity to his last breath. He would always welcome members of the Jama’at to his home and his excitement would be evident from his broad and warm smile. Not too long ago, when some of the Detroit Jama’at members had the blessing of visiting and praying with him, he continuously recited Surah Fatiha in his melodious voice.
According to his wishes, his funeral and burial was held in Muslim tradition and he was buried in the Ahmadiyya portion of Mt. Hope Cemetery near Detroit on Thursday, February 5, 2015. May Allah bless him and elevate his status in the hereafter. Amin.
Some Memorable Pictures

Left (Top to Bottom)
- With Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah shower His mercy on him)
- Imam Mirza Afzal (left), Brother Hasan Abdullah (middle), and Imam Sheikh Mubarak
- Mubarak Khan (left), Brother Hasan Abdullah (middle), and Brother Qadi
- At a jama'at meeting in Detroit
- On a mission with his iconic smile
Right (Top to Bottom)
- Brother Hasan Abdullah (left) and Brother Wahab
- Brother Aleem (left) and Brother Hasan Abdullah
- Brother Hasan Abdullah (left) and Brother Hanif
- Brother Hasan Abdullah at a bookstall in Detroit Downtown