Waging the Jihad of the Pen

Faheem Younus Qureshi, Sadr Majlis

Dear Ansar Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

We have one Nasir, Nasir Ahmad of New Jersey, who by the grace of Allah has published six letters to editor during the past four weeks! These letters were published in leading newspapers such as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. You can read them at the links below.

This raises a few questions: what inspired him to write these letters? Why as a Majlis we have not intensified our efforts to publish the position of true Islam? What is stopping us from waging this Jihad of the pen?

My brothers, talking about these issues among ourselves does not help the cause of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Do not remain silent. Start writing such letters and show the world that it is only the jihad of the pen that can win this war. It is only the true Islam of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) that can heal this world.