Huzoor's Message for National Ijtima

Imran Hayee, Sadr Majlis

Dear Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Below is the message from our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (may Allah be his helper) which Huzoor sent us for our National Ijtima in time in spite of his extraordinary busy schedule and travel. Please read this message again and again and share this with you families as well. May Almighty Allah enable us to understand the spirit of this message and mold our lives according to what Huzoor expects from us.

Huzoor's Message:

My dear spiritual children of the promised Messiah (as)

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

By the Grace of Allah, you are fortunate to attend this blessed Ijtima. As members of Ansarullah you should remember that you must treat all other Ahmadis with love, kindness, care and consideration. Your Pledge requires you to sacrifice your time and pay great attention and thought towards fulfilling your duties in the best possible way. Remember the instructions given by Allah to show kindness was not given only to the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) but it is for all people who have been given trust and responsibilities. We Ahmadis are the people who claim and desire to follow the true example and model of the Holy Prophet (saw). Ansar must ensure that their hearts remain soft and filled with love for the members of the Jama'at. If they are hard hearted and do not display high moral standards then it will lead to a deep restlessness amongst Ahmadis.

True trust and faith in Allah is developed only through prayers. Prayers are the means to increase our trust in Allah and they are also necessary to attain the help of Allah. Therefore, all Ansar must seek and strive to immerse themselves in prayers and worship of Allah. They must be completely regular in Salat. We need members who use prayers as heart-felt tools to further their Jama'at work because Allah has said that success and prosperity will only result through prayers.

Another important point for Ahmadis and their families is that they should watch MTA in their own homes as much as possible and they should encourage its viewing amongst the Jama'at as well. At the very least, you should designate a regular time each day to watch MTA when there are programs of your interest. Most importantly, you must develop a regular habit of watching the Friday sermon each week and also other programs of mine broadcast such as addresses to non-Ahmadis, Jalsa speeches or various meetings. All of these will Insha'allah prove to be of benefit to you, so you should listen to them.

Remember that only when our faith and our deeds become one will we become an example for our future generations. Only when our actions mirror our beliefs will we walk upon path which will lead to our success and will also prove to be a means of protecting our children and future generations. In conclusion, and above all, you must continue to always pray for yourselves and for your future generations because without prayers you cannot have any success or you cannot reform your generations.

May Allah grant all of you the ability to understand and act upon it. May Allah make your Ijtima a huge success and may each one of you return to your homes as better Ahmadis than before. Ameen.



Mirza Masroor Ahmad
Khalifatul-Masih V