Ansar Outreach
What is Ansār Outreach Effort?
In the spirit of Ansār and Emigrants (Muhaajrin) to Medina, establish brotherhood or Mu' akhāt with fellow Ansār. Each Majlis’s Zaim and Amla is expected to reach out to their Majlis' Ansār membership – twice a year – one-on-one via phone, virtually, or in person*. Here are some specifics:
First Ansār outreach drive is from Jan to June
Second Ansār outreach drive is from July to December
Ansār outreach focus months are February and July
*no double-dipping...this means that the calls/meetings should be for the sole purpose of finding well-being and not for any other drive/campaign
Why do it?
- 1. For the pleasure of Allah
- 2. “Love For All” applies to Ahmadies as well
- 3. Promised Messiah alehissalaam said, "The task with which God Almighty has appointed me is that I should remove the malaise that has formed between God and His Creation and restore the relationship of love and sincerity between them."
He further said, "The second purpose is that for the sake of God’s people and out of compassion all persons should engage their strengths and capabilities in the service and well-wishing of God’s people. And they must treat gratefully and beneficially all people – from Kings and Emperors down to an ordinary person – who has done them any favor."
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Is the Zaim Majlis responsible for doing the outreach himself for all Ansar in his Majlis?
Depending on the size of the Majlis, Zaim can form a team of Amla members for the outreach effort. For large Majalis (75+ members), we recommend forming Halqas (Sectors) and working with Halqa incharges for this outreach effort. Remember that this comes under the Ithar department. Muntazim Ithar should take the lead in planning and executing this effort together with Zaim Majlis.
Question 2: This outreach is time-consuming. How do I find time for this outreach?
Each outreach drive is 5 to 6 months long. Consider the following to lighten your burden:
- 1. Set monthly goals to contact a percentage of your Majlis membership. For example, try to reach 25% during the months of Feb, Mar, Apr and May. Then make a second attempt in June to contact those you were not able to reach earlier.
- 2. Divide up the outreach task amongst Amla members
- 3. Divide up the Majlis into Halqas and work with Halqa incharges
Question 3: How do I answer the monthly reporting question regarding Ansar outreach effort?
The reporting question regarding the Ansār outreach effort is as follows:
How many additional Ansār in your Majlis were reached out this month as part of outreach effort?
Please answer this question by writing the number of new Ansar who were reached out during the reporting month. Let us assume that your Majlis consists of 110 members and you make a plan with your Amla to reach 25 Ansār in the month of February. And if you successfully reach out to those 25 Ansar in February, you should report 25 in February report which will be due by March 7th. Similarly, if you reach out to additional 20, and 15 respectively in the months of March and April, you will just write those numbers (20 and 15) in March and April reports, respectively. We will sum those numbers at the end of six months (after June report) when the first round ends. The second round will repeat again from July to December.
Question 4: If I contact the same Ansar member 2 times during one Ansar Outreach drive, how many times will I count it? If I achieve my outreach goal before the end of six months, how should I answer the reporting question for the remaining months of the drive?
The reporting question regarding the Ansār outreach effort is as follows:
How many additional Ansār in your Majlis were reached out this month as part of outreach effort?
Therefore, each Nasir reached should be counted only once between Jan and Jun, for the first Ansar Outreach drive of 2022.
If you have achieved your outreach goal (i.e. spoken to maximum no. of Ansar in your Majlis) before the end of six months, you should respond to the outreach reporting question by entering 0 for the remaining months of the drive
Question 5: As a Zaim Majlis or local Amla member, how do I break the ice with members who are less active when I call them?
Always start with introducing yourself and asking if it is an appropriate time to call. Then ask about health and well-being of the member. A good go to topic is how COVID-19 or Coronavirus is affecting the member and his family’s life.
Here are some other discussion points:
• Does he have access to the preventive and curative homeopathy medicine for COVID-19.
• Has he gotten the COVID-19 vaccine himself and family members OR is familiar with how to get it.
• Does he know about the services provided by Ansarullah USA
• If employed, how is his job situation. If in business, how is business affected.
• If there is anything that you as a Zaim or Amla member can help him now or in the future.
Question 6: There are members who don’t answer phone calls or text messages, how do I contact them?
Here are some thoughts and ideas in this regard:
• Try calling them at a time when they are most likely to be available such as in the evening between 6 and 9 PM or on weekends around 10 or 11 AM. If they don’t answer, send a text message/email telling them that you called and asking when is a good time to speak for 5 to 10 min.
• Find out if they are related to or have a friendly relationship with someone in your Majlis. Ask their relative/friend to set up an appt. for you OR delegate it to that contact to reach out on your behalf. If delegating, make sure that the contact understands the purpose of the call and can provide feedback later.
• Some members may have a habit of not answering phone or may even have blocked calls from unidentified phone no. You can text/email them. If that doesn’t work, contact them via WhatsApp / Telegram.
• Once you reach someone, be friendly and cordial and start by introducing yourself. Don’t assume that they were/are trying to avoid you and do not complain that they have not been in touch with Majlis in the past.
• Realize that some Ansar may be going through a challenging time or difficult phase in life. After attempting to contact them 3 times (3 knock rule) over a few days, put the matter on hold, pray for them and re-approach them after a month or so.
• It is possible that after doing everything above and having the best intentions, some Ansar are still unreachable. Alhamdo lillah, you have made a decent effort. Trust that Allah will bring fruit to your effort sooner or later.