Blessings of Ramadan

Faheem Younus Qureshi, Sadr Majlis

I wish you a blessed Ramadan; full of spiritual gains. May Allah accept all your prayers.

Especially during this blessed month, we as fathers should remember that our responsibility does not end with ourselves. We must lovingly exhort our wives and children to go deeper into the true spirit of Ramadan. Beyond hunger and thirst, into the realm of prayers, self control, righteousness, and personal reformation. As the Holy Qur’an states, “And whoso performs a good work with willing obedience, it is better for him. And fasting is good for you, if you only knew.” (The Holy Qur’an, 2 [Al-Baqarah]:185)

Willing obedience; that's the key phrase. Remember when we say in our pledge that "I shall exhort my children to always remain dedicated and devoted to Khilafat" we are also submitting to this divine Khilafat in willing obedience. Kindly remember Hazrat Khalifatul Masih in your Ramadan prayers.

When we beseech Allah for the needs of another brother, according to a Hadith, the angel says, "for you too."

Let's remember each other during our Sujood (prostrations). May Allah accept us and forgive us, Ameen.


Faheem Younus Qureshi
Serving Majlis Ansarullah, USA