2019 Income Budget Drive

Zahid Mian, Qa'id Finance

O ye who believe! let not your wealth and your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. And whoever does so — it is they who are the losers.

And spend out of that with which We have provided you before death comes upon one of you and he says, 'My Lord! if only Thou wouldst grant me respite for a little while, then I would give alms and be among the righteous.' (The Holy Qur’an, 63 [Al-Munafiqun]:10-11)

Dear Ansar Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

In 2016, our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (may Allah be his helper) instructed us to go "door-to-door" to collect Ansar Chanda budgets. We started this year's process on June 1 and will continue throughout the month of June. During this month, you will be contacted by your Za’im or Muntazim Finance for your 2019 budget. The estimated calculation for income budget is roughly 1.1% of your annual net income (rule of thumb: for every $10,000 in earnings the budget is $115). Or use the Chanda Calculator for an exact amount.

In the past two years, our "door-to-door" effort has yielded significant results. Our efforts in 2015 gave us 40% increase and last year's efforts improved our budget by another 10%. If this year's efforts yield a 20% increase then we will surpass the one-million-dollar psychological barrier. Kindly help us reach this goal.

There are many reasons why Ansar Chanda is important, but suffice it to say that we should pay Chanda simply because our Imam has asked us. Do you really need another reason? May Allah help us fulfill our goals and may He accept our humble sacrifices. Ameen.